Rational Use of Computed Tomography for Individual Health Assessment in Asymptomatic Population: Chinese Experience.
Liang Wang,Ba-Sen Li,Wen-Zhen Zhu,Qiong Li,Xiao-Yuan Feng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4103/0366-6999.174504
IF: 6.133
Chinese Medical Journal
Abstract:INTRODUCTION Since computed tomography (CT) was invented and used clinically or in research, it is currently widely used in the diagnosis, staging, assessment of disease response to treatment, with clearer image quality and shorter scanning time. There are many diseases which are not easily found at an early stage with noticeable symptoms, unknowingly spread the infection to others and are easily missed. When clinical symptoms appear, the disease may have been on late stage, its therapeutic efficacy and prognosis will be significantly worse. CT can be used for screening of asymptomatic population and individual health assessment (IHA), improving the detection rate of diseases, achieving early diagnosis and early treatment of diseases, thus improving the survival rate of patients. Radiation production is inevitable during CT scans, despite protective measures are improving continuously. Among the radiation doses of which the examinees received, the proportion of CT examination as a source of radiation is increasing. How to use CT rationally for IHA in asymptomatic population and to reduce the radiation dose of CT has become a research hotspot. In 2014, WHO held an international summit on “the reasonable application of CT in the IHA of asymptomatic population” in Munich, Germany, and reached a consensus. At present, the European and American countries have more studies on the usage of CT for IHA in an asymptomatic population with lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and coronary heart disease and have established a relevant strategy. This paper summarizes and analyses the utilization of CT and associated radiation-dose reduction in asymptomatic population in China. FEASIBILITY AND NECESSITY OF THE USE OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FOR INDIVIDUAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT IN ASYMPTOMATIC POPULATION IN CHINA CT is currently developing very rapidly within the last decade. Up-to-dated technologies are emerging. The sophisticated CT which has been launched since 2008 is called as “after 64 row CT”.[1] High-tech CT with its associated hardware and software are progressing. The problem of CT scanning dose has been one of the main factors restricting the development of CT and attracted wide attention. The effective methods to reduce CT radiation dose to patients includes the use of a prospective electrocardiogram (ECG) triggering of the scan, dual source CT (DSCT) and higher helical pitch, and “projection space denoising” technique.[2] Radiation dose has been significantly reduced. Currently, there are more than 10,000 CT scanners in hospitals in China. Rural community hospitals have one or more CT scanners. The capacity of having CT scanners is 8.6 per million populations.[3] The price of CT examination is relatively cheap in China, such as 15–32 € per plain CT head examination. The amount of CT examination is rising progressively. According to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, the medical use radiation-dosage accounts for 98.2% of all man-made radiation dose, whereas among the medical diagnostic modalities, CT as a source of radiation has the highest proportion.[4] International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) proposed that X-ray radiation dose of 1 mSv received will increase the incidence of malignant tumors of 5/100,000.[5] CT may cause higher collective medical radiation-dose received by examinees, while for same diagnostic tests in different hospitals, their radiation-dose received by patients is somewhat different. There are two reasons: (1) the equipment and technique parameter are different among hospitals, (2) there are no consensus guidelines for CT scanning parameters in China. CT technologists in some hospitals have no enough awareness of low-dose scanning. Clinically, asymptomatic population fails to show noticeable symptoms in the early stage of disease, and few of them receive treatment. Thus, the rational use of CT for IHA in an asymptomatic population is feasible and necessary in China. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY RADIATION-DOSE INDEX The common indicators of the CT radiation-dose measurement are volume CT dose index (CTDIvol), dose length product (DLP), and effective dose (ED). CT radiation dose was positively correlated with these three indices.[6] CTDIvol refers to the ratio of total radiation-dose absorbed by patient to X-ray beam width (mGy) during a CT examination. CTDIvol reflects the physical quantity of radiation-dose received by the subject. In general, the greater the CTDIvol, the more severe the biological effects caused by the radiation, and the more serious the damage to the body. DLP refers to CTDIvol × scan length. DLP is positively proportional to scan length, so that DLP implies the total radiation-dose received by patient during CT examination, and can be evaluated as random effects of radiation hazard index. ED = DLP × k (mSv), which does not refer to an ED but rather accumulative exposure to the risk of ionizing radiation, such as inducing cancer, can fully evaluate radiation to different tissues and organs, which unit is mSv. RATIONAL USE OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FOR INDIVIDUAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT IN ASYMPTOMATIC POPULATION IN CHINA The rational use of low-dose CT (LDCT) for IHA in the asymptomatic population may improve lesion-detection performance. In 1977, ICRP[7] proposed three principles of medical radiation protection including the legitimate practice, optimization of medical radiation protection, and limitation of an individual dose. Its main purpose is to optimize radiological diagnosis through the protection and implementation of quality assurance programs, so that good image quality can be obtained while radiation dose of patients can be reduced.[8] In 1990, after Naidich et al.[9] first proposed the concept of LDCT, while either CT manufacturers, physicists, or medical staff engaged in dose-radiation protection are doing the research constantly on LDCT scanning parameters settings and related technologies. The study of LDCT in foreign countries has started earlier, the research scope and the level of the research are more comprehensive and in-depth. The authors have sorted the relevant literature on the use of CT for IHA in an asymptomatic population in China and conducted the analysis and summary. Chest Based on the latest foreign guidelines of lung cancer screening, in 2015, a cardiothoracic group of Chinese Society of Radiology (CSR) launched the latest Chinese Experts’ Consensus[10] on low-dose spiral CT for lung cancer screening in 2015. They recommended LDCT screening for lung cancer in the high-risk Chinese population of lung cancer, and suggested that the high risk patients are defined as: 50–75 years of age; and at least one of the following risk factors: (1) smoking ≥20 pack/year, including those with past smoking history, but <15 years of smoking cessation; (2) passive smokers; (3) occupational exposure history (asbestos, beryllium, uranium, radon, etc.); (4) with a history of malignancy or a family history of lung cancer; and (5) with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diffuse pulmonary fibrotic disease. The LDCT scanning technology requirements including CT of above 16 rows for lung cancer screening is recommended. The scanning range is from the apex to the costophrenic angle level. For helical scanning mode, the pitch setting is ≤1, gantry rotation time is ≤1.0 s, scanning matrix set is not <512 × 512 (specific technical parameters are set based on different models), with large visual field (field of view = L); those with no iterative reconstruction technique can use the scanning parameters of 120 kV, 30–50 mAs, whereas those with new generation of iterative reconstruction technique can use 100–120 kV, <30 mAs as scanning parameters; if the reconstruction slice thickness is ≤0.625 mm, gapless reconstruction can be performed, if reconstruction slice thickness ranged from 0.625 to 1.25 mm, reconstruction interval should be ≤80% of slice thickness; reconstruction is performed by using standard algorithm, or pulmonary algorithm with standard algorithm. During the procedure, it is recommended to activate the “dose report” function, so that automatically generated dose report by the device will be stored for routine storage. Lung cancer screening is still controversial worldwide. While assuring the important significance of screening for lung cancer for detection of early lesions and reduction of the mortality of lung cancer, it still has many problems which need to improve. The main problems include a choice of screening tools, screening team quality, appropriate screening object, and establishing a sound screening program and guidelines. Munich conference expert consensus: (1) IHA CT for lung cancer detection should not be provided to the people under 55 years of age; (2) IHA CT detection of lung cancer should not be provided to population with no smoking history, or daily smoking history of one pack but <20 years and no other risk factors; and (3) personal risk prediction model should be used to select those who have lung cancer risk. IHA CT can be provided to the asymptomatic population equivalent to 5% of the risk of lung cancer in 5 years. If the risk is low, IHA CT can also be provided, but the assessment of risks versus benefits is needed. Annual or biannual screening can be provided to the population of 55–74 years of age; (4) IHA CT should be provided by radiologists and physicians of respiratory medicine; (5) the relevant information and knowledge of risk and benefit of CT IHA should be explained in detail to nonprofessionals. Currently, most IHA focus on the detection of early stage lung cancer and lung damage of asymptomatic smokers in China.[11] LDCT for lung IHA has a high sensitivity in early detection of asymptomatic lung cancer.[11] Patients only need to receive fewer radiation dose and similar images as produced by conventional dose can be obtained, thus the radiation dose can be minimized and diagnosis can be made. LDCT for IHA in asymptomatic population detects early-stage lung cancer more as compared to conventional X-ray examination.[12] Li et al.[13] compared radiation dose of lung LDCT and that of conventional-dose examination. The scanning parameters were tube voltage of 120 kV, tube current of 20 mAs, CTDIvol of 1.38 mGy (77.8% lower than the conventional dose), and DLP of 44 mGy/cm (75% lower than a conventional dose of 180 mGy/cm). LDCT is suitable for lung cancer IHA in asymptomatic high-risk population. Nie et al.[14] reported lung cancer detection rate of 2.3% by LDCT for IHA in an asymptomatic population. Sone et al.[15] reported lung cancer detection rate of 0.48% by LDCT for IHA in an asymptomatic population. Li et al.[16] used low-dose lung high-resolution CT (tube voltage 120 kV, tube current 40 mAs) to investigate the lung damage condition of asymptomatic smokers and nonsmokers, and found that the incidence of lung emphysema, air trapping, and pulmonary parenchyma micronodule were significantly increased in smokers than nonsmokers. With the improvement of cardiac CT equipment and the emergence of new technology, radiation dose has fallen to 0.8–2.0 mSv.[17] Munich expert consensus includes: (1) to diagnose coronary heart disease in asymptomatic population by CT, the procedure should be monitored and guided by cardiologist, (2) based on NICE guidelines, CG95, 2010, it is reasonable to provide CT coronary calcium score (CTCS) for those with a significant risk of coronary artery disease (>10%). Only asymptomatic individuals older than 45 years old can self-refer for radiologic examination, (3) since CT coronary angiography (CTCA) and CTCS have good prognostic value, assessment by reusing CTCA or CTCS should be after 5 years. There is no relevant guideline in China, the indications for coronary CT angiography (CTA) as an IHA tool for asymptomatic people in China include men, the elderly over the age of 40, a family history of premature coronary heart disease, smoking (current smoking >10 cigarettes/day), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe obesity (overweigh t > 30%), and medical history of cerebral vascular or peripheral vascular occlusion. Among them, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking are considered to be the most important three coronary heart disease risk factors. CTA is used as an important IHA tool for detecting coronary artery disease of asymptomatic people in China.[18] DSA is used as gold standard but is invasive and relatively high costs. How to find and evaluate this part of the high-risk asymptomatic population with vulnerable plaque have become a hot spot and the difficult point of this study. Li et al.[19] conducted an analysis on 292 cases of coronary angiography in asymptomatic patients and found that 112 cases (38.4%) had noncalcified plaques, 83 (28.4%) cases of level 1 luminal narrowing, 13 (4.5%) cases of level 2 narrowing, 10 (3.4%) cases of level 3 narrowing, and 6 (2.0%) cases of level 4 narrowing. Iwasaki et al.[20] found that of the 415 low-risk asymptomatic patients, 295 cases (71.1%) of which had different degrees of coronary atherosclerosis. CTA can also be used to assess prognosis and treatment efficacy in an asymptomatic population. Wang et al.[21] analyzed the coronary CTA and observed the occurrence of coronary artery disease in the asymptomatic population (60 cases). In 28 cases of the myocardial bridge, the left anterior descending artery had the highest incidence. A total of 52 vessels plaque formation was found, left anterior descending coronary artery had the highest rate of occurrence, accounting for 51.9%, and the incidence of soft plaque and mixed plaque were 32 and 13, respectively. Mild to moderate luminal stenosis also most commonly occurred in the left anterior descending coronary artery. Currently, DSCT scanning technology adaptation sequence is considered to be the most effective method to reduce the radiation dose of coronary CTA. Lv et al.[22] used DSCT on 100 patients for low-dose coronary angiography (prospective sequence scanning technology), in addition to the fixed scanning parameters, the range of body mass index (BMI)[23] was mainly used as a reference to adjust the tube voltage, tube current, and contrast agent flow rate. For BMI >24 kg/m2, the tube voltage was 120 kV, tube current 260 mA, contrast agent flow rate 5.5 ml/s; for 24 ≥ BMI ≥18 kg/m2, the tube voltage was 100 kV, tube current 210 mA, contrast agent flow rate 5 ml/s; for BMI <8 kg/m2, and the tube voltage was 100/80 kV, tube current 210 mA, contrast agent flow rate 4.5 ml/s. The CTDIvol produced by prospective low-dose CT scan with ECG gating technology was 11.96–14.25 mGy, which was about a quarter of the value in retrospective ECG gating (8.2 ± 0.1) mGy. Head Head CT scan is a noninvasive IHA tool for detecting intracranial lesions, skull lesions, and other head diseases of asymptomatic people in China. It may provide crucial information for the preventive care, early detection, and early treatment of disease to decrease morbidity and mortality. Wang and Tian[24] published head CT IHA of 21,358 asymptomatic people demonstrated asymptomatic cerebral infarction (ACI) prevalence was 3.84%, followed by sinusitis, encephalomalacia, intracranial tumors, and skull bone tumor. ACI is low before the age of 40. ACI starts to rise after the age of 40 years old and rises significantly after the age of 50. Head CT presents a clear display of the gray matter, the white matter, the ventricles, the sulci, and the cisterna. The attenuation differences in CT between the gray and the white matter is smaller, e.g., CT value of the gray matter is about 32–40 Hu, while CT value of the white matter is about 28–32 Hu. The attenuation difference in CT between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the brain parenchyma is relatively larger as compared with the difference between the gray matter and the white matter. The ventricle, the sulci, and the cisterna are filled with different amounts of CSF. The above reasons and skull bone artifacts, especially in the skull artifacts, impose stringent requirements for quality control to reduce noise effects, and radiation protection. There are several reports of LDCT in adult and more reports in children in China. The lens and the thyroid are extremely sensitive to radiation. It is generally believed that radiation dose of 0.5–2.1 Gy to the eyeball can cause corneal opacity, and radiation of larger than 5 Gy causes cataracts.[25] Although radiation dose to the eyeball from a single head CT scan is far below the dose which cause corneal opacity or cataracts, the cumulative effect to the eyeball from multiple head CT scans should not be ignored. Therefore, choosing a suitable low-dose scanning protocol is crucial. Ding et al.[26] published a head CT study with low-dose CTA (tube voltage 80 kV, tube current 150 mAs) to investigate intracranial aneurysms (ICAs) as compared to the conventional dose group. Their effective radiation dose was reduced by 69.73%. There was no significant change in sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for the detection of ICAs. Chen et al.[27] reduce the radiation dose by reducing the tube voltage, using tube voltage 70 kV and automatic tube current regulation technology in head CT angiography. Compared with conventional dose scanning (tube voltage 120 kV), the radiation dose was decreased by 80%, but intravascular CT value was increased by 76%. Despite the decrease in tube voltage, the intravascular CT value was increased, which might be due to iodine absorption spectrum characteristics. The indications for low-dose head CT as a IHA tool for asymptomatic people in China include: 40–49 years old with high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, alcoholism, family history of stroke, and intracranial arterial stenosis; over 50 years old people can have routine head CT scan to find intracranial lesions; people <40 years old are not recommended to undergo CT to avoid ionizing radiation. Abdomen and pelvis Early neoplasms of abdominal and pelvic internal organs such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, bladder, uterus, and accessory organs are mostly asymptomatic. A lot of symptomatic neoplasm patients who go to see a doctor are on late-stage. The difference in density between abdominal and pelvic tissues and organs is not substantial. The difference in tissue contrast between abdominal and pelvic tissues and organs is not obvious, for example, on a plain CT a renal tumor has a slight low density, and the difference in density between renal tumor and normal kidney is not obvious unless contrast-enhanced CT is applied. To obtain high image quality, the high tube current is usually used in conventional abdominal and pelvic CT, which leads to a high radiation dose to the patient. Simply reducing tube current reduce radiation leads to an increase in image noise, thus conventional low-dose abdominal and pelvic CT obtained certain restrictions.[28] Abdomen and pelvis: Colorectum Current international and domestic studies on the low-dose of abdominal CT mainly focus on the screening of colorectal cancer. The 2014 Munich, Germany conference has formed an expert consensus.[29] Supporting the routine follow-up of the utilization of CT colonography (CTC) in asymptomatic high risks population for colorectal cancer (e.g., a family history of rectal cancer or colonic polypoid disease, based on relevant guidelines. CTC[30] for IHA of the asymptomatic patient should only be performed in patients at age 45 and above, if the risk of colorectal cancer in individuals younger than 45 years old increased, screening should be done according to published guidelines. For individual with negative findings on CTC or with asymptomatic polyp of <6 mm in diameter by CTC, CTC should not be re-performed within 5 years. The air and feces within the colorectum often provide natural contrast; reduction in radiation dose can ensure adequate image quality. Radiation dose to a patient is directly proportional to the tube current while other parameters are fixed. Liang et al.[31] published a colorectal cancer IHA with low-dose CT (tube current 50 mAs) after inflating colorectum to obtained satisfactory images. Their sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were 96.5%, 62.5%, and 89.2%, respectively. The indications for LDCT as a colorectal cancer IHA for asymptomatic people in China[32] include positive immunoassay fecal occult blood test; first-degree relatives with colorectal cancer; history of cancer; or history of intestinal polyps. Abdomen and pelvis: Liver Currently, there are a few studies using low-dose liver CT for IHA in asymptomatic people in China. Xu et al.[33] used iDOSE enhanced CT iterative reconstruction technique to obtain high-quality images at lower dose levels to assess liver tumors. Their ED was reduced by 49.71% as compared to conventional dose. The iterative reconstruction technique selectively removed noise, made it possible to obtain high-quality images at lower dose levels. Wang et al.[34] evaluated low-dose liver CT perfusion under different circumstances of tube current. The study demonstrated that ED associated with low-dose (50 mA) CT perfusion imaging was 7.01 mSv, which was two-thirds of conventional dose, and obtained a more satisfactory image quality. The indications for low-dose liver CT as an IHA tool in asymptomatic people for high-risk liver cancer in China include HBsAg (+), HBeAg (+), and HBcAb (+) or HBsAg (+), HBeAb (+), and HBcAb (+), with AFP more than 2 times of normal value. Abdomen and pelvis: Pancreas Hu et al.[35] published a pancreas study with low-dose GE LightSpeed volume 64 slices CT to obtain high-quality imaging at lower radiation dose. Radiation dose to the pancreas increased along with increased waist circumference. The minimum current can be controlled within 60–80 mA, 70–90 mA, and 90–100 mA for waist circumference <90 cm, 90–110 cm, and >110 cm, respectively. In the allowed milliampere range to change, LDCT underwent in accordance to the corresponding waist-circumference optimized protocol. The image quality met the diagnostic requirement. Abdomen and pelvis: Gastric cancer Gastric cancer is one of the most common GI malignancies in China with the high prevalence of occult primary. Nearly, half of patients with early gastric cancer have no obvious symptoms. Early IHA in asymptomatic patients has important clinical value. The major clinically diagnostic methods in patients suspected of harboring gastric cancer include barium meal and GI endoscopy, but both have some limitations. These methods may not display tumor invasion and extension to the surrounding tissue, distant metastasis, and lymph node metastasis. LDCT has added value in the evaluation of detection, tumor, node and metastasis staging, and prognosis of gastric cancer. Kumano et al.[36] employed LDCT in the diagnosis of early gastric cancer with detection rate (88.2%). The indications for low-dose liver CT as an IHA tool in asymptomatic people for high-risk gastric cancer in China[37] include family history of GI cancer; bad eating habits: irregular eating pattern, high salt/hot food, carcinogenic substances with high nitrite content of preserved, smoked food, etc.; chronic alcoholism or smoking; long-term mental health disorders; particular occupation: long-term exposure to dust clouds of sulfuric acid, lead, asbestos, herbicides, and metal industry workers; geology, water containing harmful substances. Abdomen and pelvis: Kidney The incidence of renal cell cancer (RCC) ranked second among all the urinary tract cancers. The 50% of asymptomatic kidney cancer is early detected by physical examination. Mo et al.[38] published an RCC IHA with CT (tube voltage 120 kV, tube current 100 mAs) and obtained satisfactory perfusion images. Their effective radiation dose was 8.95 mSv. The indications for low-dose kidney CT as an IHA tool for asymptomatic people in China[39] include age > 40 years, smoking, engaged in manufacturing oil, leather, asbestos, and family history of RCC. LDCT has superior sensitivity and accuracy for detecting urinary calculi. The calculus and calculus-induced hydronephrosis form a high contrast with the surrounding soft tissue. Reduction in tube current over a certain range is litter effect on the detection rate of urinary calculi. Zhu et al.[40] used 120 kV, 50 mAs for low-dose scanning and obtained high-quality images, which is able to accurately locate the stone. Abdomen and pelvis: Bladder The indications for LDCT as bladder cancer IHA tool for asymptomatic people in China[41] include a family history of bladder cancer, smoker, and contact with carcinogenic chemicals. Chen et al.[42] published a study with low-dose bladder CT (tube voltage 120 kV, tube current 40 mAs) after inflating bladder and obtained satisfactory images to detect urinary lesions as compared to conventional dose CT (tube current 120 mAs). Nasopharynx and ear Globally, 80% of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) are in China. Early NPC is mostly asymptomatic but can be detected by IHA with LDCT in China. Early detection of NPC has a great impact on the prognosis. Thereby increasing the efficiency of NPC IHA in asymptomatic people to improve early detection of NPC, has a significantly clinically value. The lenses, which are sensitive to radiation, are unfortunately inevitable within the field of nasopharyngeal skull base scanning. Chen et al.[43] published a study with low-dose skull base CT (a decrease in tube current from 200 mAs to 70 mAs). Their ocular radiation was reduced (from 145.38 mGy to 50.34 mGy, equivalent to a third of the former). Their image quality was not significantly sacrificed, while using 50 mA may impact the diagnosis due to poor image quality. A protocol (120 kV, 70 mA) is considered to be more suitable for LDCT nasopharyngeal skull base scan. Shen et al.[44] used LDCT (120 kV, 50 mA) on pharyngeal to clearly show tumor extension into parapharyngeal space and surrounding metastatic lymph nodes. The indications for LDCT as an NPC IHA tool for asymptomatic people in China include live in the Southern provinces of China; aged 30–59 years; a family history of NPC; regular contact with cooking oil fumes, carcinogenic chemicals; and tobacco and alcohol use. High-risk population: IgA/VGA antibody titers ≥ 1: 80; have any two of three positive indicators of IgA/VGA, IgA/EA, and Dase. Yuan et al.[45] conducted a preliminary study on the usage of 64 slice CT for low-dose CT scanning of the temporal bone, when the mA value of the temporal bone scanning decreased from 380 to 160 mA, CTDIvol fell from (47.8 + 2.7) mGy to (20.1 + 2.0) mGy, without affecting the premise for the diagnosis, the radiation dose of the patient was only 42% of the original dose, achieving the expected goal of meeting the requirements of the diagnosis and reducing the radiation dose. Bones Currently, LDCT for IHA of asymptomatic people in bones and skeletal system mainly focus on the sacroiliac (SI) joint, lumbar spine. The natural contrast between SI joint and it surrounding soft tissue is good on LDCT. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) mainly affects joints in the spine and the SI joint of young men. SI joint CT is associated with radiation exposure to the reproductive organs. Reduction in dose from SI joint CT is very important to patients, particularly reproductive-aged patients and patients who require long-term multiple follow-up SI joint CT scan evaluation in patients with AS. Yang[46] published an AS IHA with low-dose SI joint CT (tube voltage 130 kV, tube current 60 mAs) to obtain high-quality images to detect AS in comparison with conventional dose CT (130 kV, 260 mAs) and demonstrated no significant difference between LDCT and conventional dose CT in the diagnosis and classification of AS. Ding et al.[47] published an AS IHA with low-dose 64-slices helical SI joint CT (care dose four-dimensional technology, tube voltage 120 kV, and tube current 61–94 mAs) to obtain high-quality images in the detect AS in comparison with conventional dose CT (220 mAs). The mean CTDIvol was 68.8% lower with the low-dose protocol. The indications for SI joint CT as an IHA tool for asymptomatic AS people in China include <40 years old male; family history of AS. LDCT can be used for IHA of asymptomatic people with lumbar disc herniation, scoliosis, and kyphotic deformities. LDCT provide a detail view of the anatomical relationship of the spinal cord, roots, intervertebral disks, vertebrae, and soft tissues supporting spinal column. Zheng et al.[48] used iterative reconstruction technique to reduce radiation dose to obtain high-quality imaging in 256-slice lumbar spine CT. The patients were randomized into one of the four groups based on the following scan protocol 120 kV/automatically adjusted tube current (mean value was 237 mAs), 120 kV/150 mAs, 80 kV/300 mAs, and 80 kV/150 mAs, respectively. The corresponding CTDIvol were 15.74 mGy, 10.1 mGy, 5.86 mGy, and 2.92 mGy, respectively. They demonstrated CT scan protocols of 120 kV/150 mAs, 80 kV/300 mAs CT scan protocol reduce radiation does while providing good image quality. Xiang et al.[49] used LDCT in the detection of pelvic lesions of men and women in childbearing age. The mean CTDIvol was 78% lower with the low-dose protocol of 120 kV, 50 mA as compared with conventional dose (120 kV, 210 mA). The image quality obtained by tube current 50 mA had no difference as compared with conventional dose (210 mA). Low-dose pelvic CT (tube current 50 mA) in men and women of childbearing age provides reduce radiation does while providing good image quality. STRATEGIES FOR RADIATION-DOSE OPTIMIZATION FOR LOW-DOSE COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Currently, there are several of LDCT for IHA of asymptomatic people in China. It is an interesting hot topic regarding how to achieve necessary diagnostic quality with the least amo
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Experimental study of low-dose cervical CT scan and its clinical application
Abstract: Objective To access the optimal scan conditions of low- dose multi- slice CT on cervical region. Methods In the first step, 10 groups of low- dose scan conditions (140kV- 50mA, 140kV- 30mA, 120kV- 100mA, 120kV- 50mA, 120kV- 30mA, 90kV- 200mA, 90kV- 150mA, 90kV- 100mA, 90kV- 50mA , 90kV- 30mA) were selected according to the software prediction of CT radiation dose combined with the literature reports. In the second step, the necks of 3 goats were scanned with the conditions above. The quality of images was independently scored by two senior radiologists with double blind method and 9 groups of scan conditions (except 90kV- 30mA) met the requirement of diagnosis were selected. In the third step, 180 patients undergoing cervi-cal CT scan were randomly divided into 9 groups with 20 cases in each, patients were scanned with the conditions selected in animal experiments. And the quality of images was scored and anylyzed by SPSS 16.0 software. Results The CT radiation dose demonstrated a positive linear correlation with the change of tube voltage and current. The variety slope of CT radiation dose in-creased with the increasing of tube voltage or the current. The animal experiments demonstrated that 9 groups of conditions al met the requirement of diagnosis except 90kV- 30mA. The human cervical CT scan demonstrated that high radiation dose had a high score and bone scores were higher than soft tissue. 120kV- 100mA and 90kV- 200mA obtained good soft tissue images and excel ent bone images; 140kV- 50mA, 140kV- 30mA, 120kV- 50mA, 90kV- 150mA and 90kV- 100mA obtained good bone im-ages, and the diagnosis was not influenced by the soft tissue images. 120kV- 30mA and 90kV- 50mA obtained the soft tissue im-ages influencing the diagnosis and the bone images not influencing the diagnosis. Conclusion The images meeting the require-ment of diagnosis can be obtained by adopting low tube voltage and relative high tube current with lower radiation dose. In cervi-cal CT scan, 90kV- 100mA is the scan condition for soft tissue and 90KV- 50mA can be selected to observe the bone only.
Image quality and dose performance of 80 kV low dose scan protocol in high-pitch spiral coronary CT angiography: feasibility study
Dan Wang,Xiu-hua Hu,Shi-zheng Zhang,Run-ze Wu,Su-su Xie,Bin Chen,Qiao-wei Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10554-011-9822-5
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
Abstract:To investigate the image quality and dose performance of 80 kV high-pitch spiral (HPS) coronary CT angiography (CCTA). 106 patients consecutively enrolled into prospectively ECG-triggering HPS CCTA (pitch = 3.4) exam using kV/ref. mAs = 80/400, 100/370, and 120/370 when patient BMI was ≤22.5 (n = 40), between 22.5 and 27.5 (n = 53) and >27.5 kg/m² (n = 13). Image quality was assessed per-segment by two observers independently using a 4-point scale (1—excellent, 4—non-diagnosable). Image noise and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio were measured. Diagnostic image quality was obtained in 503 of 507, 687 of 693, 164 of 167 coronary segments in 80, 100, 120 kV groups without significant difference ( P = 0.482). The proportions of segments with score 1–4 were not significantly different among three kV groups (all P > 0.05). Image noise were significantly higher in 80 kV group than 100 and 120 groups ( P < 0.001), while SNR was not ( P = 0.097). The effective dose of 80 kV group (0.36 ± 0.03 mSv) was significantly lower than that of 100 kV group (0.86 ± 0.08 mSv) and 120 kV group (1.77 ± 0.18 mSv). The mean ± SD of HR in all patients was 54.8 ± 5.1 bpm. 80 kV HPS CCTA is feasible for patient with BMI ≤ 22.5 kg/m² which can save 58% dose than 100 kV group, while maintain diagnosable image quality.
The Optimization of Low-Dose Scanning Protocols of 64-Slice Spiral CT in the Adult Chest: a Multicenter Study
TANG Wei,HUANG Yao,WU Ning,CAI Qiang,CHEN Xing,WANG Jian-wei,ZHAO Shi-jun,LI Shu,CHU Jin-gang,LI Hai-bo,ZHANG Bin,XIAO Xi-gang,XIE De-xuan,YANG Xian-wei,ZHENG Yun,XIE Yuan-liang,JIN Chao-lin,XIAO Xiang-zuo,JIANG Jian
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3760/cma.j.issn.1005-1201.2011.02.011
Abstract:Objective To compare the image quality of chest low dose CT (LDCT) using automatic exposure control (AEC) and constant current control (CCC) and explore a more reasonable scanning protocol. Methods Two hundred and eighty participants were examined with 64 CT scanner at 7 centers in China. All were divided into 4 groups. Two groups underwent LDCT using AEC with standard deviation set at 25 (A1) and 30 (A2) respectively and the tube current ranged from 10 mA to 80 mA. The other two groups underwent LDCT using CCC with tube current set at 40 mA (C1) and 50 mA (C2) respectively. The axial and MPR images were evaluated by two radiologists who were blinded to the scanning protocols.The radiation dose, noise and the image quality of the 4 groups were compared and analyzed statistically.Differences of radiation dose and noise among groups were determined with variance analysis and t test,image quality with Mann-Whitney test and the consistency of diagnosis with Kappa test. Results There was a significant lower DLP in AEC group than in CCC group [(82.62±40.31)vs ( 110.81±18.21) mGy·cm (F =56. 88 ,P < 0. 01 )], whereas no significant difference was observed between group A2 and group A1 0. 05]. The noisy of AEC group was higher than that of CCC group both on lung window(41.50±9.58 vs 40.86±7.03) and mediastinum window (41.19±7.83 vs 40.92±9.89), but there was no significant difference( Flung =0.835, P=0.476, Fmediastinum =1.910, P=0.128).The quality score of axial image in AEC group was higher than that in CCC group (superior margin of the brachiocephalic vein level: 4.49±0.56 vs4.38±0.64,superior margin of the aortic arch: 4.86±0.23 vs 4.81±0.32,the right superior lobar bronchus Level:4.87±0.27 vs 4. 84 ± 0. 22, the right middle lobar bronchus Level: 4.90±0.25 vs 4.88±0.21) except on the right inferior pulmonary vein level(4. 92 ±0. 25 vs 4. 93 ±0. 17) and superior margin of the left diaphragmatic dome level (4. 91±0.27 vs 4.93±0.22) on lung window, but no significant differences (F=0.076-1.748, P>0.05) were observed. A significant higher score in AEC group was observed on mediastinum window compared with CCC group on superior margin of brachiocephalic vein level (2.57±0.77 vs 2. 46 ± 0. 59, F = 8. 459, P < 0. 05 ), however, the score of AEC group was lower than that of CCC group on other levels without significant differences (superior margin of the aortic arch:3.36 ±0. 63 vs 3.45 ±0. 60,the right superior lobar bronchus level: 3.94 ±0. 56 vs 3. 95 ±0. 51 ,the right middle lobar bronchus Level: 3.80 ±0. 58 vs 3. 87 ±0. 50,the right inferior pulmonary vein level: 3.72 ±0. 56 vs 3.78 ±0. 53, superior margin of the left diaphragmatic dome level: 3.58 ± 0.63 vs 3.68±0.56,F=0.083-3.380,P > 0.05 ). The MPR image quality of AEC group was better than that of CCC group both on lung window and mediastinum window (Zlung =-2.258, Zmedlastinum=-1.330, P>0.05). For all participants including the underweighted group, the normal group and the overweighted group, the image quality of A1 group was better than that of A2 group without significant differences (the underweighted group: Zlung=0.000, P=1.000, Zmedastinum= 0.000, P=1.000;the normal group: Zlung =-0.062, P=0.950, Zmediastinum =-0.746, P = 0.456; the overweighted group: Zlung = - 1.177, P = 0.239,Zmediastinum =-1.715, P=0.144) both on lung and mediastinum windows, and for the higher BMI participants, a better image quality was obtained in A1 group than in A2 group on the mediastinum window (Z = -1. 715, P = 0. 144). Conclusions The total radiation exposure dose of AEC group is significantly lower than that of CCC group, but no statistical significant differences are observed between both groups in image quality and noise level. The AEC technique is highly recommended in thoracic LDCT scan for screening program, and the SD25 ( SD value = 25) scan protocol is suggested for higher BMI population while the SD30 (SD value = 30) scan protocol for lower BMI population.
Low-dose Technique of Lung Screening with a 16-slice CT Scanner
Zhang Jun,Xiao Xiangsheng,Liu Shiyuan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-5741.2006.03.007
Abstract:To explore the low dose related with the body build in lung screening using a 16-slice CT scanner. Materials and Methods: Lung screening was performed in 150 healthy volunteers(male 89,female 61,height 152~182cm, mean 166cm; weight 45~86kg, mean 63.1kg ) during Mar 2004 to Apr 2005 with a TOSHIBA Aquilion 16-slice CT scanner. The imaging parameters were 1.0 mm collimation, p=0.938, 120kV, 0.5s/Rot, and FOV 280~330mm. Slice thickness of 7.0 mm with lung window and 10mm with mediastinal window setting were reconstructed, respectively. Four dosages were used and compared in screening.Results: All patients had obtained the good quality images using a dose of no more than 20 mAs. Most of them only need a dosage of 10mAs(96 patients, 64%), and the others need 5mAs(16 patients,10%) or 20mAs(38 patients,26%). The 95%confidence interval of the ratio of height and weight was 1.00~1.03 for 10mAs, 0.83~0.88 for 5mAs, and 1.13~1.22 for 20mAs. Conclusion: The lowest screening dose could change with the body build. The dosage of 10mAs might be applied in most screening, and that of 20mAs almost in all of patients.
Application of 640-Slice CT Wide-Detector Volume Scan in Low-Dose CT Pulmonary Angiography
Fengqi Lu,Yu Gao,Que Kong,Peng Qiao,Min Shao,Min Xie
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3233/xst-180427
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Computed tomography (CT) pulmonary angiography (CTPA) examination has been frequently applied in detecting suspected pulmonary embolism (PE). How to reduce radiation dose to patients is also of concern. OBJECTIVE: To assess the value of using 640-slice CT wide-detector volume scan with adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) algorithm in low-dose CTPA. METHODS: Fifty-eight patients who performed with CTPA were divided into two groups randomly. In the first experimental group (n = 30), ASIR combined with volume scan were performed on the patients, while in the second conventional group (n = 28), patients received ASIR combined with conventional spiral scan. General data including age and body mass index, image quality, pulmonary arterial phase, and radiation dose were analyzed by t test in the two groups. RESULTS: In both groups, all images revealed the 5-order or higher pulmonary arterial branches and fully met the needs for clinical diagnosis. There was no statistical difference in general data between the two groups. In terms of pulmonary phase accuracy, compared with the conventional group, images at pulmonary arterial phase could be captured more accurately in the experimental group. CTDI in the experimental group decreased by 30% compared with that in the conventional group. The actual radiation dose in the experimental group was 1.5 mSv, which is reduced by 53% compared to that in the conventional group. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with the conventional spiral scan, using 640-slice CT volume scan with ASIR in CTPA is more accurate in scanning phase and has lower radiation dose. There is no significant difference in image quality between the two groups.
Studies on the application of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction algorithm combined with automatic tube current modulation in chest low dose CT
YANG Shang-wen,HE Jian,YANG Xian-feng,ZHOU Ke-feng,ZHU Bin
Journal of Medical Imaging
Abstract:Objective: To study the application of the adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction(ASiR) combined with automatic tube current modulation scanning in chest CT scan on GE Discovery CTHD 750 and to evaluate the feasiblity of low dose scan in chest CT. Methods:100 continual patients underwent chest CT scan on GE Discovery CTHD 750 were randomly divided into two groups(A and B,each containing 50 patients).Automatic tube current modulation scanning was performed,with noise index 15 HU in group A and 25 HU in group B.Images were reconstructed with different settings of ASiR(0~100%).CT dose index volumes(CTDI vol),dose length product(DLP) were recorded,and effective dose(ED) was calculated.The imaging quality was evaluated by three radiologists blindly and independently with a 5-point scoring method. Results:CTDI vol and ED were 4.22 mGy and 2.51 mSv in group A,while 1.51 mGy and 0.89 mSv in group B,which decreased by 64.22% and 64.54% respectively.Image quality in both groups met the diagnostic requirements. Conclusion:Radiation dose can be significantly decreased with image quality maintained using automatic tube current modulation scanning combined with ASiR reconstruction in chest CT scan on GE Discovery CTHD 750.
Reducing the Radiation Dose with the Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction Technique for Chest CT in Adults: a Parameter Study.
Liu Wenyun,Ding Xiaobo,Kong Boyu,Fan Baoyan,Chen Liang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3760/cma.j.issn.0366-6999.20131479
IF: 6.133
Chinese Medical Journal
Abstract:BACKGROUND:Currently there is a trend towards reducing radiation dose while maintaining image quality during computer tomography (CT) examination. This results from the concerns about radiation exposure from CT and the potential increase in the incidence of radiation induced carcinogenesis. This study aimed to investigate the lowest radiation dose for maintaining good image quality in adult chest scanning using GE CT equipment.METHODS:Seventy-two adult patients were examined by Gemstone Spectral CT. They were randomly divided into six groups. We set up a different value of noise index (NI) when evaluating each group every other number from 13.0 to 23.0. The original images were acquired with a slice of 5 mm thickness. For each group, several image series were reconstructed using different levels of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) (30%, 50%, and 70%). We got a total of 18 image sequences of different combinations of NI and ASIR percentage. On one hand, quantitative indicators, such as CT value and standard deviation (SD), were assessed at the region of interest. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were calculated. The volume CT dose index (CTDI) and dose length product (DLP) were recorded. On the other hand, two radiologists with ≥ 5 years of experience blindly reviewed the subjective image quality using the standards we had previously set.RESULTS:The different combinations of noise index and ASIR were assessed. There was no significant difference in CT values among the 18 image sequences. The SD value was reduced with the noise index's reduction or ASIR's increase. There was a trend towards gradually lower SNR and CNR with an NI increase. The CTDI and DLP were diminishing as the NI increased. The scores from subjective image quality evaluation were reduced in all groups as the ASIR increased.CONCLUSIONS:Increasing NI can reduce radiation dose. With the premise of maintaining the same image quality, using a suitable percentage of ASIR can increase the value of NI. To assure image quality, we concluded that when the NI was set at 17.0 and ASIR was 50%, the image quality could be optimal for not only satisfying the requirements of clinical diagnosis, but also achieving the purpose of low-dose scanning.
Establishment of the DRL and warning dose value for CT examinations in our hospital and its application in chest CT dose optimization
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-5098.2020.07.010
Abstract:Objective:To optimize the scheme and process of chest CT scanning and control the dose level to the examined individuals by establishing the diagnostic reference level (DRL) and warning dose value from chest CT examinations in our hospital.Methods:The medical records for 205 511 examined individuals, who had undergone chest CT scans in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019, were reviewed consecutively. For the two-year examination periods, these examined individuals were divided into two groups, one for 2018 totalling 90 507 and another for 2019 with a total of 115 004. The mean value of doses from chest CT scans in 2018 was set as the DRL for the hospital, with the 75th and 25th percentiles as the upper and lower limits of diagnostic reference range (DRR) and the 97.5th percentiles as the warning dose values. The doses above the upper limit of DRR were considered to be relatively-high whearas the ones exceeding the warning dose value to be over-high. Based on the analysis of the over high dose in 2018, the scanning scheme and inspection process of the chest CT scans were improved in 2019. The number of examinations were estimated for the 2018 period for chest plain CT scans, chest enhancement CT scans, lung cancer screening low-dose CT scans, and relatively-high and over-high dose CT scans, as well as the single scanning doses to the examined in the two groups. The number of examinations resulting in high dose to the examined due to different reasons before and after the improvement were studied. The various parameters on the examined in the two groups were compared statistically.Results:After the improvement, the average dose from chest plain CT scans decreased by 8.67 %, with the statistically significant difference as compared with before improvement (
P<0.05). The average dose from low-dose chest CT scans fell by 20.13% with statistically significant difference (
P<0.05). The fraction of the examinations with slightly-high doses arising from chest plain CT scans and low dose chest CT scans dropped by 3.66% and 17.15%, respectively. The fraction of the examinations with slightly-high dose from chest enhanced CT increased by 1.7%. The fraction of the examinations with over-high dose from chest plain CT scans, enhanced CT scans and low-dose CT scans decreased by 0.55%, 1.06% and 1.74%, respectively. After improvement, the optimized fraction of the examinations with over-high dose, dropped by 4.72%, 31.49% and 19.18% respectively.
Conclusions:The establishment of the DRL and the warming dose value of for chest CT examinations in our hospital is helpful to find out the cause of high dose scanning, promote the optimization of dose, reduce the average dose to the examinedes, and avoid using excessive dose during scanning.
Radiation Safety: Radiation Dosimetry and CT Dose Reduction Techniques
Kai H. Lee
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84882-650-2_3
Abstract:The ability of modern multidetector CT scanners with submillimeter resolution, subsecond rotation time, and large volume imaging has resulted in widespread utilization of cardiovascular computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) [1]. However, the widespread use of CCTA has also raised concerns about the radiation dose to the patients. The National Council on Radiation Protection, NCRP Report No. 160, reported that the radiation exposure to the United States population due to medical sources increased more than 7 times in the 20 years between 1986 and 2006 [2]. Although in 2006 CT constituted about 10% of the diagnostic examinations that utilize X-rays, it contributed to nearly 50% of the population dose [2–4]. Based on our current knowledge of radiation biology, the deleterious effects of radiation are cumulative and medical radiation is increasingly a significant contributor to the amount of radiation accumulated in a person’s lifetime [1, 2, 5]. The risk of cancer from radiation exposure is especially worrisome in children and young women who received multiple CT examinations early in their lives. For example, studies found that one CT examination of the female chest gives as much radiation as 10 mammograms to each breast [6]. Therefore, the practitioners of CT must be constantly aware of the risks of radiation and strive toward applying the lowest dose to the patient consistent with the clinical study.
Image Quality and Clinical Usefulness of Automatic Tube Current Modulation Technology in Female Chest Computed Tomography Screening
Cheng Li,Lin Qi,Yusheng Zhang,Feng Gao,Xiu Jin,Lukai Zhang,Huan Tang,Ming Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/md.0000000000021719
IF: 1.6
Abstract:The study was aimed to evaluate the image quality and radiation dose during female chest computed tomography (CT) screening using organ-based tube current modulation technology X-ray combined applications to reduce exposure (XCARE).Five hundred sixty female individuals undergoing chest CT scan were prospectively enrolled and divided into 4 groups based on body mass index (BMI). Then they were randomly and equally divided into control and experimental subgroup and respectively accepted conventional low-dose and XCARE technology spiral CT scan with same parameters. Signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio were calculated. The quality of the images was evaluated by 2 radiologists using a 5-point scale.Among experimental subgroups of the 4 BMI groups, Signal-to-noise ratios, CT dose index of volume, dose-length product, effective dose, and contrast-to-noise ratio all displayed significant differences, as well as in control subgroups (P < .001). Both the experimental and control subgroups showed an increasing trend in radiation dose with the increasing of BMI. Parameters of image quality and radiation dose displayed no significant differences between control and experimental subgroups in the 4 groups. In multiple linear regression analysis, age and scanning protocol were not associated with radiation dose (P > .05), while BMI was significantly associated with increased CT dose index of volume (P < .05). The display of the lesions for the patients in the control and experimental subgroups of the 4 groups with different BMIs exhibited no statistically significant difference.The same image quality and radiation dose can be obtained using XCARE technology compared to conventional chest CT scans, which can be used regularly in female patients.Advances in knowledge: Using automatic tube current modulation technology to reduce exposure in breast. In this study, we sought a radiation protection method for sensitive tissue in chest CT screening.
Wide-detector CT Combined Iterative Reconstruction in Pediatric Low-Dose Scan of the Paranasal Sinus.
Que Kong,Fengqi Lu,Yu Gao,Peng Qiao,Min Shao,Min Xie
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3233/xst-180487
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
Abstract:BACKGROUND:Computed tomography (CT) is considered a standard modality for imaging the paranasal sinus (PS), but increasingly radiation dose is of concern, especially in children.OBJECTIVE:This study aims to investigate the feasibility of using a 320-detector CT scanner with a 16 cm wide-detector combined with iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithm to further reduce radiation dose when scanning the PS.METHODS:A total of 90 children who underwent CT of the PS were randomly allocated into three groups namely, (1) the experimental group using low-dose wide-detector scan (n = 30, 9±4 years); (2) low-dose helical group (n = 30, 9±4 years); and (3) pediatric conventional group (n = 30, 8±4 years). Statistical software SPSS 19.0 was used for one-way ANOVA analysis of the general data (age, BMI), image quality, and radiation dose. Multiple comparisons of data without homogeneity of variance were analyzed by Bonferroni test and Tamhane's test.RESULTS:All patients underwent successful CT examinations. No significant differences in the general data and image quality evaluation were detected between three groups (all P values > 0.05). CTDIvol and DLP were 2.87 mGy and 32.58 mGy·cm in the experimental group, 4.92 mGy and 70.84 mGy·cm in the low-dose helical group, and 9.95 mGy and 131.83 mGy·cm in the conventional group, respectively, which were significantly different among these three groups as indicated by multiple comparisons (all P values < 0.05). In the experimental group, the effective radiation dose was 0.07 mSv, which was reduced by 76% and 56% comparing to the conventional group and the low-dose helical group, respectively.CONCLUSIONS:The 320-detector CT scanner equipped with the wide-detector combined with IR can further reduce radiation dose, while maintaining good image quality comparing to the low-dose helical or pediatric modes.
Age and Size Dependent Diagnostic Reference Levels and Achievable Doses for 48 Types of CT Examinations: a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study of One Million CT Examinations in China
Shiyao Wu,Changsheng Zhou,Yikai Xu,Wenjun Qiao,Liming Xia,Yang Li,Chao Huang,Haoqiang He,Dele Deng,Wei Dai,Jin Huang,Nengzhi Zhong,Guifen Yang,Longjiang Zhang,Chuanmiao Xie,Guangming Lu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42058-024-00172-x
Chinese Journal of Academic Radiology
Abstract:To establish diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) and achievable doses (ADs) of 48 commonly used CT examinations including advanced CT techniques such as dual energy CT (DECT) based on patient age and size in Chinese multicenter cohort with one million CT examinations. Radiation dose data on 48 commonly used CT examinations including conventional CT examinations, CT angiography (CTA), and DECT examinations at four Chinese university hospitals between January 2016 and December 2018 were retrospectively collected. For all CT examinations, dose indexes were analyzed based on patient age and size. ADs and DRLs for volume CT dose index (CTDIvol), dose-length product (DLP), size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) and effective dose (ED) were analyzed. 1,001,190 CT examinations were available for dose analysis. The most common examination was non-enhanced chest CT (26.25
Low-Dose High-Resolution Photon-Counting CT of the Lung: Radiation Dose and Image Quality in the Clinical Routine
Matthias Michael Woeltjen,Julius Henning Niehoff,Arwed Elias Michael,Sebastian Horstmeier,Christoph Moenninghoff,Jan Borggrefe,Jan Robert Kroeger
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12061441
IF: 3.6
Abstract:This study aims to investigate the qualitative and quantitative image quality of low-dose high-resolution (LD-HR) lung CT scans acquired with the first clinical approved photon counting CT (PCCT) scanner. Furthermore, the radiation dose used by the PCCT is compared to a conventional CT scanner with an energy-integrating detector system (EID-CT). Twenty-nine patients who underwent a LD-HR chest CT scan with dual-source PCCT and had previously undergone a LD-HR chest CT with a standard EID-CT scanner were retrospectively included in this study. Images of the whole lung as well as enlarged image sections displaying a specific finding (lesion) were evaluated in terms of overall image quality, image sharpness and image noise by three senior radiologists using a 5-point Likert scale. The PCCT images were reconstructed with and without a quantum iterative reconstruction algorithm (PCCT QIR+/−). Noise and signal-to-noise (SNR) were measured and the effective radiation dose was calculated. Overall, image quality and image sharpness were rated best in PCCT (QIR+) images. A significant difference was seen particularly in image sections of PCCT (QIR+) images compared to EID-CT images (p < 0.005). Image noise of PCCT (QIR+) images was significantly lower compared to EID-CT images in image sections (p = 0.005). In contrast, noise was lowest on EID-CT images (p < 0.001). The PCCT used significantly less radiation dose compared to the EID-CT (p < 0.001). In conclusion, LD-HR PCCT scans of the lung provide better image quality while using significantly less radiation dose compared to EID-CT scans.
medicine, general & internal
Application research of coronary CT angiography using low tube voltage in patients with a normal body mass index
Qichun DAI,Chunhong HU,Dingyou LU,Su HU,Fang WEN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-1671.2017.07.032
Abstract:Objective To assess the image quality of coronary CT angiography(CCTA) by using high-pitch spiral CT under 80 kV in patients with a normal body mass index(BMI), and to investigate the feasibility of low radiation dose.Methods 60 patients,who suspicious coronary artery diseases and BMI between 18.6-25.0 kg/m2 underwent CCTA in our hospital.All patients were randomly divided into group A and group B(each with 30).Patients in group A were given 100 kV CCTA and filter back-projection algorithm (FBP), and patients in group B were given 80 kV CCTA and iterative reconstruction(IR).CT values of aortic root, right coronary artery (RCA), left anterior descending artery (LAD), left circumflex (LCX) and standard deviation (SD) were measured.Then signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were calculated.All images were given quality subjective scoring by using 3-score method.The CT dose index was recorded and effective radiation dose (ED) was calculated.Results ED of group A and group B was 0.8 mSv and 0.41 mSv, respectively.Statistically significant difference was found between these two groups.In the study, SD was (28±6) HU in group A and (46±9) HU in group B, and the difference was statistically significant between the two groups.The CT values of aortic root, RCA, LAD and LCX under 80 kV were significantly increased, and the difference was statistically significant between the two groups.There was no statistically significant difference between two groups in RCA-SNR, LAD-SNR and RCA-CNR.But in LCX-SNR, LAD-CNR, LCX-CNR, there was statistically significant difference between two groups.There was no significant difference between the two groups in coronary artery segments which could be used for diagnosis.Conclusion For patients with a normal BMI, CCTA using Flash spiral CT under 80 kV could diagnose coronary artery disease and significantly reduce the radiation dose.
Impact of multiple parameters setting on image quality and radiation dose in low-dose chest CT scanning
Shanshan RAN,Weiwei QI,Miao ZHANG,Zhuolu ZHANG,Lei CHEN,Nan HONG
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13929/j.1003-3289.201704039
Abstract:Objective To investigate the impact of parameters setting on image quality and radiation dose of low-dose chest CT scanning when iCT tube current was set as 17 mAs.Methods Two hundred volunteers who accepted low-dose chest CT screening with tube current was set as 17 mAs were randomly divided into four groups according to the tube voltage and automatic exposure control (DoseRight) settings (group A:120 kV,DoseRight;group B:100 kV,DoseRight;group C:120 kV,fixed tube current;group D:100 kV,fixed tube current).Then hybrid iterative reconstruction (HIR:iDose4) and iterative model reconstruction (IMR) were performed on all scanned images of lung and mediastinal window algorithm,respectively.The effective dose and image quality of 4 groups were compared.Results There were significant differences of image quality score and effective dose among 4 groups.The image quality of group A and B were better than that of group C (P<0.05),and of group D was the worst compared with the other three groups (P<0.05).Image quality scores of the mediastinal window of group C and D and the lung window of group D at iDose4 reconstruction were lower.SNR value of group A,B,C,D decreased in order (P<0.01).Group A had the highest effective dose (P<0.01),while the effective dose of group B and group C had no significant difference (P=0.055),and group D had the lowest effective dose (P< 0.01).Conclusion When tube current was set as 17mAs at iCT,selecting 100 kV tube voltage,DoseRight and IMR reconstruction arithmetic can obtain satisfactory image quality and low radiation dose.
Results of Low-Dose Computed Tomography As a Regular Health Examination among Chinese Hospital Employees.
Yang Zhang,Sanghoon Jheon,Huimin Li,Huibiao Zhang,Yaozeng Xie,Bin Qian,Kaihong Lin,Shengping Wang,Chen Fu,Hong Hu,Ying Zheng,Yuan Li,Haiquan Chen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtcvs.2019.10.145
IF: 6.439
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Abstract:OBJECTIVE:Lung cancer is traditionally more prevalent in the elderly patients, men, and smokers. However, as low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) is increasingly popular, we hypothesized the disease spectrum might change. METHODS:LDCT was performed as a part of regular health examinations in 8392 of 15,686 employees from 6 hospitals in different regions of China in 2012 to 2018. Clinicopathologic characteristics, including age, sex, smoking status, radiologic features, tumor histology, and pathologic stage, were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS:LDCT incidentally detected lung cancer (pathologically confirmed) in a total of 179 (2.1%) hospital employees. The lung cancer detection rate was significantly greater in female than male (2.5% vs 1.3%, P = .001) patients. There was also a greater detection rate among nonsmokers than smokers, although statistical significance was not reached (2.2% vs 1.4%, P = .092). The lung cancer detection rate was 1.0% in the "age ≤40 years" group, 2.6% in the "40 < age ≤55 years" group, and 2.9% in the "age >55 years" group (P < .001). Among the hospital employees with lung cancer, 171 (95.5%) presented as ground-glass opacity, 177 (98.9%) were lung adenocarcinoma, 170 (95.0%) were early stage 0/IA, and 177 (98.9%) received curative surgical resection as the initial treatment. After a median follow-up of 38 months, no disease recurrence or death was observed among these patients. CONCLUSIONS:LDCT detected lung cancer in a significant proportion of young, female, and nonsmoking employees. The vast majority of these lung cancers were early stage, with extremely good prognosis.
Reducing radiation dose in 64-row spiral CT coronary angiography: study based on individualized scan dosage protocol
De-qiang KANG,Jing ZHAO,Nan PENG,Hai-qin HUA,Chao LI,Ying GUO,Yun SHEN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3760/cma.j.issn.1005-1201.2012.03.008
Abstract:Objective To investigate the methods of reducing radiation dose in CT coronary angiography through optimizing individualized scan dosage protocol.Methods Two hundred patients (group A)underwent coronary CTA examination which was performed with fixed 120 kV and variable mA according to their BMI.The mA was set as 150-300 mA(BMI < 18.5 kg/m2),300-500 mA (18.5 kg/m2 ≤ BMI < 25.0 kg/m2),and 500-800 mA(BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2).When all examinations were finished,a linear regression was employed to analyze the correlation between mA and BMI,body surface(Suf),image noise(SD)respectively.The results of the analysis were used to formulate a regression equation,which was further used to establish a table list for quick search on how much mA that individualized coronary CTA scan would need.Another 200 patients(group B)enrolled for the individualized scan were scanned under new protocol that previous study established.The tube voltage was 100 and 120 kV.The tube current was variable according to the data in the table list.One-way ANOVA and Kruskal-wallis H test were used for statistics.Results Regression equation between mA and BMI,Suf,SD was:mA =17.984 × BMI + 169.149 × Suf-2.282 × SD-361.039.The SD(group A:32.08 ± 5.80,group B:28.60±4.47),dose index volume(CTDIvol)[group A:(41.97 ± 11.37)mGy,group B:(33.18±10.07)mGy],effective dose(ED)[group A:(10.91 ±3.07)mSy,group B:(8.83 ±2.72)mSv]had significant differences between the two groups(F =43.45,63.71,49.07 respectively,P <0.01 for all).The SD and ED results obtained in group B were better than those in group A.Conclusion Better performances were obtained when BMI combined Suf was used as a new individualized protocol than when BMI was used only,which means good image quality and lower radiation dosage in coronary CTA examination.
Coronary CT Angiography Radiation Dose Trends: A 10-Year Analysis to Develop Institutional Diagnostic Reference Levels
Zhu Xiao Lin,Chang Sheng Zhou,U. Joseph Schoepf,Marwen Eid,Taylor M. Duguay,William T. Greenberg,Song Luo,Wei Quan,Fan Zhou,Guang Ming Lu,Long Jiang Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2019.02.012
IF: 4.531
European Journal of Radiology
Abstract:PURPOSE:To develop institutional diagnostic reference levels (IDRL) for coronary CT angiography (CCTA) according to patient size by analyzing radiation dose changes over the past 10 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS:This IRB approved retrospective investigation analyzed radiation dose data from CCTA between 2007 and 2016 at our institution. Annual trends in radiation dose were described for each scanner type and scanning mode. Radiation levels were analyzed for normorhythmic patients, patients with prior coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), arrhythmia, and according to patient size and tube voltage. Median, and quartile values for volume CT dose index (CTDIvol), dose-length product (DLP), and size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) were calculated. Wilcoxon rank-sum test and Kruskal Wallis test were performed to assess the significance of quantitative data. RESULTS:35,375 examinations from 33,317 patients (median age, 58 [50-66] years; male patients, 21,087 [58.7%]) were analyzed. CTDIvol, DLP, and SSDE significantly decreased by 9.0%, 30.8%, and 40.1% (all P < 0.05) for all examinations, respectively. All radiation dose metrics progressively decreased across scanning modes (especially retrospectively ECG-gated spiral and prospectively ECG-triggered high-pitch spiral acquisition mode), but did not significantly change across scanners in the last 6 years. CTDIvol and DLP increased with patient size when water-equivalent diameters were >19 cm for normorhythmic and CABG patients. In arrhythmic patients, CTDIvol increased progressively with water-equivalent diameters across all groups. CONCLUSION:CCTA radiation dose has progressively decreased in the past decade except in patients with prior CABG and arrhythmia. Size-specific IDRLs may optimize radiation utilization in these patients going forward.
Pilot Study on Image Quality and Radiation Dose of CT Colonography with Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction Three-Dimensional
Hesong Shen,Dan Liang,Mingyue Luo,Chaijie Duan,Wenli Cai,Shanshan Zhu,Jianping Qiu,Wenru Li
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0117116
IF: 3.7
Abstract:Objective To investigate image quality and radiation dose of CT colonography (CTC) with adaptive iterative dose reduction three-dimensional (AIDR3D). Methods Ten segments of porcine colon phantom were collected, and 30 pedunculate polyps with diameters ranging from 1 to 15 mm were simulated on each segment. Image data were acquired with tube voltage of 120 kVp, and current doses of 10 mAs, 20 mAs, 30 mAs, 40 mAs, 50 mAs, respectively. CTC images were reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP) and AIDR3D. Two radiologists blindly evaluated image quality. Quantitative evaluation of image quality included image noise, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). Qualitative image quality was evaluated with a five-score scale. Radiation dose was calculated based on dose-length product. Ten volunteers were examined supine 50 mAs with FBP and prone 20 mAs with AIDR3D, and image qualities were assessed. Paired t test was performed for statistical analysis. Results For 20 mAs with AIDR3D and 50 mAs with FBP, image noise, SNRs and CNRs were (16.4 ± 1.6) HU vs. (16.8 ± 2.6) HU, 1.9 ± 0.2 vs. 1.9 ± 0.4, and 62.3 ± 6.8 vs. 62.0 ± 6.2, respectively; qualitative image quality scores were 4.1 and 4.3, respectively; their differences were all not statistically significant. Compared with 50 mAs with FBP, radiation dose (1.62 mSv) of 20 mAs with AIDR3D was decreased by 60.0%. There was no statistically significant difference in image noise, SNRs, CNRs and qualitative image quality scores between prone 20 mAs with AIDR3D and supine 50 mAs with FBP in 10 volunteers, the former reduced radiation dose by 61.1%. Conclusion Image quality of CTC using 20 mAs with AIDR3D could be comparable to standard 50 mAs with FBP, radiation dose of the former reduced by about 60.0% and was only 1.62 mSv.
Radiation dose of coronary CT angiography with a third-generation dual-source CT in a “real-world” patient population
Aleksander Kosmala,Bernhard Petritsch,Andreas Max Weng,Thorsten Alexander Bley,Tobias Gassenmaier
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00330-018-5856-6
IF: 7.034
European Radiology
Abstract:ObjectivesTo assess radiation dose and image quality of coronary computed tomography angiography (cCTA) with a third-generation dual-source scanner in a real-world patient population.MethodsScans of otherwise unselected, consecutive patients referred for clinically indicated cCTA between June 2015 and November 2017 were included for retrospective analysis. Scan protocol was based on heart rate: prospectively ECG-gated high-pitch spiral below 60 beats per minute (bpm), prospectively ECG-gated sequential scan between 61 and 70 bpm, and retrospective spiral above 70 bmp or at irregular heart rates. Objective image quality was measured as signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR); subjective image quality was evaluated using a five-point Likert scale by two independent readers. For radiation dose analysis, effective dose, size-specific dose estimates, and volume CT dose index were assessed.ResultsTwo hundred seventy-eight patients (median age, 60 years; 155 men) with a median body mass index of 26.6 kg/m2 (range, 16.7–60.9 kg/m2; 180 (64.7%) overweight or obese) were included (122 in the high-pitch spiral group, 60 in the prospective sequence group, and 96 in the retrospective spiral group). Median effective dose was 0.63 mSv (interquartile range [IQR], 0.51–0.90 mSv) for high-pitch spiral, 1.32 mSv (IQR, 0.79–2.46 mSv) for prospective sequence, and 4.77 (IQR, 3.02–8.27 mSv) for retrospective spiral (p < 0.001). Most studies had at least very good image quality (91.4/88.8% R1/R2), with highest SNR and CNR in the high-pitch spiral group.ConclusionscCTA with sufficient image quality is achievable at reasonably low radiation exposure in a real-world patient collective with a high proportion of overweight or obese patients.Key Points• Submillisievert radiation dose coronary CT angiography with good diagnostic image quality is feasible in the majority of cases in a real-world patient using high-pitch spiral.• Prospective sequence results in about double median effective dose compared to the high-pitch protocol.• To optimize individual radiation exposure, lowering the heart rate is paramount, as it allows for choosing a dose-optimized (high-pitch spiral) scan protocol.
radiology, nuclear medicine & medical imaging