Zhou Changfa
Abstract:オ? There is no special report on Ephemeroptera of Henan Porvince before. In 1996, 800 specimens were collected form Funiu Mountain in this Porvince. They are classified into 3 suborder, 4 superfamily, 6 family ,12 genera ,total 15 species. The three new species to science: Centroptilum henanensis sp. n., Serratella longipennis sp. n., Caenis nigroforceps sp. n. be described in details. All the holotypes are deposited in the Department of Biology, Nanjing Normal University.1. Centroptilum henanensis, sp.nov.(Figs.1~5) Male imago(In alc.): Length of body 7.0 mm. General color whitish .Compound eyes large, upper portion reddish,lower portion darkblack. Fore wing 6 mm long, transparent. Hind wing very narrow, with hooklike costal projection. Ratio of femur∶ tibia∶tarsus of fore leg and hind leg is∶1.6∶1∶1.2 and 1∶0.8∶0.6 respectively. Fore tarsus joints in proportion rank:2,3,4,5,1 and that of hind tarsus joints:1, 4, 2, 3. Forceps three segmented; two cerci ,14.0mm length.Holotype ♂, allotype ♀,paratypes: 1♂, 4 ♀♀, Longyuwan, Luanchuan County, 11-VII-1996, coll. by Zhou Changfa Wang Beixing; 4 ♂♂ subimago, Mt. Baiyunshan, Song County, 14~19-VII-1996, coll. by Zhou Changfa Wang Beixing. The hind wing of this new species is narrower than that of other Asian species.2. Serratella longipennis, sp.nov.(Figs.6~9) Male imago(In alc.): Length of body 7.5 mm. General color brown. Fore wing 6 mm long. Hind wing short. Ratio of femur∶ tibia∶tarsus of hind leg is 1.0∶0.7∶0.5,hind tarsus joints in proportion rank=4,1,2,3. Three segments forceps, and 2nd longest. Most part of two pennis fused together,each pennis with a small dorsal projection and a posterior projection in the apical portion. Three caudal filaments ,7.0 mm length.Holotype ♂,allotype ♀,paratypes: 1♂, 3 ♀♀, 1♂ subimago, Mt. Baiyunshan, Song County, 16-VII-1996, coll. by Zhou Changfa Wang Beixing.This new species is similar to Serratella levis Day, but the latter without posterior projection in the apical portion of the pennis.3. Caenis nigroforceps, sp.nov.(Figs.10~14)Male imago (In alc.): body 2.2 mm long, whitish. Fore wing 2.2 mm long, transparent. Hind wings lack. Ratio of femur∶tibia∶tarsus of fore leg =1∶0.6∶0.4. Fore tarsus joints in proportion rank=5,1,2,3,4. Forceps not segmented, brownblack and curved. Two pennis fused together. Three caudal filaments, 6.5 mm long. Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes: 150♂♂, 100 ♀♀, Longyuwan, Luanchuan County, 12~13-VII-1996, coll. by Zhou Changfa Wang Beixing; 100♂♂, 120♀♀, Mt. Baiyunshan, Song County, 14~19-VII-1996, coll. by Zhou Changfa Wang Beixing. New species is related to C. nigropunctata Klapalek 1905, but the forceps of Caenis nigroforceps sp.nov is curved and longer than that of C.nigropunctata., color blacker, and the lateral margins of pennis expanded.
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