Aassessment of diffusion-weighted imaging in staging liver ifbrosis in rabbits
DENG Qian-hua,RUAN Ji-yin,JIANG Jin-zhao,FENG Fei,XIE Jia-jun,ZOU Li-qiu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2015.06.014
Abstract:Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of apparent diffusion coefifcient(ADC) correlates on staging liver ifbrosis.Materials and Methods:The study consisted of three groups: HF group (n=32), control group (n=15) and supplemental group (n=12). Rabbits from control and HF group underwent conventional MRI and DWI scan and the liver ADC values were measured. In HF group, eight rabbits randomly underwent MRI examinations at 4, 5, 6, 10 weeks after CCl4 administration. The correlation between ADC values and HF stages was assessed. The diagnostic performance of DWI for staging HF was compared using the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis on the basis of the histopathologic analysis of HF.Results:Signiifcant differences of ADC values were present among HF stages (F=5.344,P<0.005). The ADC values were correlated with the HF stages (r=-0.630,P<0.001). Sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were for≥S1: 75.00%, 55.56%, 85.70%, 38.50%, respectively; for≥S2: 79.2%, 58.8%, 73.1%, 66.7%; for≥S3: 87.5%, 80.0%, 73.70%, 90.9%; for S4: 87.50%, 66.67%, 38.90%, 95.7%.Conclusion:DWI can offer important assistance in staging HF as a non-invasive technique.