Auslander orders over nodal stacky curves and partially wrapped Fukaya categories
Yanki Lekili,Alexander Polishchuk
Abstract:It follows from the work of Burban and Drozd <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="0905.1231" href="">arXiv:0905.1231</a> that for nodal curves $C$, the derived category of modules over the Auslander order $\mathcal{A}_C$ provides a categorical (smooth and proper) resolution of the category of perfect complexes $\mathrm{Perf}(C)$. On the A-side, it follows from the work of Haiden-Katzarkov-Kontsevich <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="1409.8611" href="">arXiv:1409.8611</a> that for punctured surfaces $X$ with stops $\Lambda$ at their boundary, the partially wrapped Fukaya category $\mathcal{W}(X,\Lambda)$ provides a categorical (smooth and proper) resolution of the compact Fukaya category $\mathcal{F}(X)$. Inspired by this analogy, we establish an equivalence between the derived category of modules over the Auslander orders over certain nodal stacky curves and partially wrapped Fukaya categories associated to punctured surfaces of arbitrary genus equipped with stops at their boundary. As an application, we deduce equivalences between derived categories of coherent sheaves (resp. perfect complexes) on such nodal stacky curves and the wrapped (resp. compact) Fukaya categories of punctured surfaces of arbitrary genus.
Symplectic Geometry,Algebraic Geometry,Representation Theory