Tuning competition between charge order and superconductivity in the square-lattice $t$-$t'$-$J$ model
Xin Lu,Huaiming Guo,Wei-Qiang Chen,D. N. Sheng,Shou-Shu Gong
Abstract:Recently, a flurry of works have found strong competition between charge density wave (CDW) and superconductivity (SC) in the doped Hubbard and $t$-$J$ models on the square lattice. Interestingly, some recent results suggest that the electron-phonon coupling may suppress CDW order and enhance SC. In this work, we consider the square-lattice Hubbard model with the Holstein or Su-Schrieffer-Heeger electron-phonon coupling at the large-$U$ and antiadiabatic (infinite phonon frequency) limit, which gives an effective $t$-$J$ model with either a density attractive interaction $V$ or a $J_P$ term that contributes a larger spin exchange and a density repulsive interaction. To explore how these effective couplings may suppress CDW and give a SC, we implement the density matrix renormalization group simulation on the $t$-$t'$-$J$ model with $V$ or $J_P$ coupling. We focus on the {\it six-leg} cylinder system with the next-nearest-neighbor hopping $t'$, which hosts partially filled stripe and $d$-wave SC in phase diagram. By tuning $t'/t > 0$ and $V$ or $J_P$, we establish two quantum phase diagrams. In the SC phases, the increased $V$ or $J_P$ coupling can enhance the quasi-long-range SC order, consistent with some previous findings. Nonetheless, no SC emerges when the partially filled stripe phase disappears with increased $V$ or $J_P$. Instead, the system has a transition to either a phase-separation-like regime or a filled stripe phase. On the other hand, with increased $t'/t$, not only the partially filled stripe but the phase separation and filled stripe can also be tuned to SC phase. Our results suggest that although $V$ and $J_P$ couplings may strengthen hole binding, the hole dynamics controlled by $t'/t$ appears to play more crucial role for obtaining a SC in $t$-$J$ model.
Strongly Correlated Electrons