Nontrivial Solutions for Schrödinger Equation with Local Super-Quadratic Conditions
Xianhua Tang,Xiaoyan Lin,Jianshe Yu
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
Abstract:This paper is dedicated to studying the semilinear Schrödinger equation {[ - u+V(x)u=f(x, u), x∈ℝ^N,; u∈ H^1(ℝ^N), ]. where V∈𝒞(ℝ^N, ℝ) is sign-changing and either periodic or coercive and f∈𝒞(ℝ^N×ℝ, ℝ) is subcritical and local super-linear (i.e. allowed to be super-linear at some x∈ℝ^N and asymptotically linear at other x∈ℝ^N ). Instead of the common condition that lim _|t|→∞∫ _0^t f(x, s)ds/t^2=∞ uniformly in x∈ℝ^N , we use a local super-quadratic condition lim _|t|→∞∫ _0^t f(x,s)ds/t^2=∞ a.e. x∈ G for some domain G⊂ℝ^N to show the existence of nontrivial solutions for the above problem.