Quintom modelswith an equation ofstatecrossing � 1

W en Zhao,Yang Zhang,AstrophysicsCenter
Abstract:In thispaper,weinvestigatea kind ofspecialquintom m odel,which ism adeofa quintessence eld 1 and a phantom eld 2,and thepotentialfunction hasthe form ofV ( 2 1 2 2).This kind ofquintom elds can be separated into two kinds: the hessence m odel,which has the state of 21 > 2 2,and the hantom m odelwith the state 2 1 < 2 2.W e discussthe evolution of these m odelsin the !-!plane (! isthe state equation ofthe dark energy,and !isitstim e derivative in unites ofHubble tim e),and nd that according to ! > 1 or < 1,and the potentialofthequintom being clim bed up orrolled down,the!-!planecan bedivided into fourparts. The late tim e attractor solution,ifexisting,is always quintessence-like or -like forhessence eld,so the Big Rip doesn’texist. Butforhantom eld,itslate tim e attractor solution can be phantom -like or -like,and som etim es,the Big Rip is unavoidable. Then we consider two specialcases: one is the hessence eld with an exponentialpotential,and the other is with a power law potential. W e investigate their evolution in the !-! plane. W e also develop a theoreticalm ethod ofconstructing thehessencepotentialfunction directly from the e ective equation ofstate function !(z). W e apply our m ethod to ve kinds of param etrizationsofequation ofstateparam eter,where! crossing 1 can exist,and nd they allcan berealized.Atlast,wediscusstheevolution oftheperturbationsofthequintom eld, and nd the perturbations ofthe quintom Q and the m etric are all nite even ifat the state of! = 1 and !6= 0. PACS num bers:98.80.Cq,98.80.-k,45.30.+ s K ey words:dark energy,quintom eld e-m ail:wzhao7@ m ail.ustc.edu.cn
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