Maps Preserving Numerical Range of Products of Operators
DI Qing-hui,HOU Jin-chuan
Abstract:Numerical range of operators is a very important concept and it is extensively studied both in theory and applications. Concerning with the preserver problems, a lot of work have been done on maps preserving numerical range on various operator algebras. In this paper we mainly study the maps between some operator algebras of operator spaces which preserve numerical range of products of operators. Let Hi be complex Hibert spaces, i=1,2. For each i, let B(Hi) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators acting on Hi and S a(Hi) the real linear subspace of all self-adjoint operators in B(Hi). We characterize the surjective maps between B(Hi) or S a(Hi), i=1,2, which preserve the numerical range of products of operators, or of skew products of operators, or of Jordan triple-products of operators, or of skew products of operators, or of Jordan triple-products of operators, or of Jordan skew triple-products of operators. Such maps are thoronghly classified, and it turns out, they have very nice structures. In many cases, our results give new characterizations of *-isomorphisms and *-anti-isomorphisms.