Construction of Ya'an Tourism WebGIS and Examination of Major Problems Encountered
XU Jing-wen,ZHANG Wan-chang,LUO Cheng-yong,ZHANG Li-li,LI Fang
Abstract:Ya'an Tourism WebGIS was constructed by means of ArcIMS integrated with ArcXML,JavaScript,database technology and ArcSDE.The WebGIS implemented many functions such as collecting tourism information,meta-data storing,data management and spatial analyses,which facilitates various displaying functions for tourism information with multimedia means.Two major problems often encountered in the construction of the WebGIS were discussed and the corresponding solutions were proposed.One problem was that currently there were no address-coding strategy suitable for Chinese nominating costumes,by comparing the nominating rules between western countries and China,a scheme by adapting the address standardized file to Chinese street address,and by developing the corresponding address matching software with MapObjects+VB6.0 programming language to resolve this knotty problem was developed.Another problem encountered by far was that a few WebGISs containing 3D near-nature terrain information,which was usually very much required or interested by the tourists,in our webGIS tourism system this was implemented by integrating TM with DEM and other information to realize the pseudo-3D visualizations.