Innovation and transformation are the soul of orthopedics: reflections on the academic thoughts of Professor Zhang Yingze

Abstract:Professor Zhang Yingze, an academician of Chinese Engineering Academy, has dedicated himself to clinical medicine, scientific research and education in orthopedics for over 4 decades. In recent years, Professor Zhang, together with his research team, has made marvelous breakthroughs in various aspects of traumatic orthopedics which he is trying to put into practical transformation. The significant innovations of Professor Zhang and his colleagues include (1) establishment of an epidemiologic system for Chinese traumatic orthopedics, (2) proposal of new types of fractures, e.g., spiral tibial shaft fracture associated with posterior malleolar fracture, (3) introduction of fibular osteotomy for knee osteoarthritis and (4) new diagnosis and treatment approaches for pelvic and acetabular fractures. This paper is to discuss the academic thoughts of Professor Zhang, hoping to inspire young Chinese traumatic orthopedists to devote themselves to scientific innovations.
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