To Construct the Educology:The Only Way out of Pedagogy
Kaicheng Yang
Abstract:Pedagogy can't be a discipline because of its wrong research objects. In the unitary framework"objectives-means-outcomes"of education practice, means can be defined as an educational system which can't be explored by other disciplines and can provide a unitary vision for education. Psychology and sociology can be used to explain the processing and interaction of local information in an education system, while functions aimed for specific objectives of the system only can be explained by educology. Science and technology, which promotes educators' ability of understanding and acting in educational practices, can be created by exploring an education system. Therefore, an educational system is the research object of education discipline which is called not pedagogy, but educology. Educology, embracing educational technology, science of educational phenomenon and science of educational values, advocates the DCR which means Design-Centered Research. It doesn't claim what the terminal education aim is, but provides theoretical framework for the clear and rational education objectives. It doesn't focus on the methods and models, but designing the educational system based on real conditions;it also doesn't focus on effectiveness, but consistency in education. It doesn't care about the laws of human growth and development of society, but the laws of education itself; it also doesn't care about success in practices, but defects of educational system. Too much work is still needed to develop such an educology because it can be applied in educational practice only when we have professional educator teams, data bases of real conditions and corresponding software tools.