Introduction to Special Section: Machine Learning in Seismic Data Analysis

Haibin Di,Tao Zhao,Vikram Jayaram,Xinming Wu,Lei Huang,Ghassan AlRegib,Jun Cao,Mauricio Araya-Polo,Satinder Chopra,Saleh Al-Dossary,Fangyu Li,Erwan Gloaguen,Youzuo Lin,Anne Solberg,Hongliu Zeng
Abstract:PreviousNext No AccessInterpretationVolume 7, Issue 3Introduction to special section: Machine learning in seismic data analysisAuthors: Haibin DiTao ZhaoVikram JayaramXinming WuLei HuangGhassan AlRegibJun CaoMauricio Araya-PoloSatinder ChopraSaleh Al-DossaryFangyu LiErwan GloaguenYouzuo LinAnne SolbergHongliu ZengHaibin DiSchlumberger, Exploration and Field Development, Data Analytics Program, Houston, Texas, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Tao ZhaoGeophysical Insights, Houston, Texas, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Vikram JayaramPioneer Natural Resources, Irving, Texas, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Xinming WuUniversity of Science and Technology of China, Laboratory of Seismology and Physics of Earth’s Interior, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Hefei, China. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Lei HuangPrairie View A and M University, Prairie View, Texas, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Ghassan AlRegibGeorgia Institute of Technology, Center for Energy and Geo Processing, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Jun CaoConocoPhillips, Houston, Texas, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Mauricio Araya-PoloShell International E and P, Houston, Texas, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Satinder ChopraArcis Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Saleh Al-DossarySaudi Arabian Oil Company, Dharhan, Saudi Arabia. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Fangyu LiUniversity of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Erwan GloaguenNational Institute of Scientific Research, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Youzuo LinLos Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], Anne SolbergUniversity of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected], and Hongliu ZengUniversity of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas, USA. E-mail: .Search for more papers by this authorEmail the author at [email protected] SectionsAboutFull TextPDF/ePub ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail "Introduction to special section: Machine learning in seismic data analysis." Interpretation, 7(3), pp. SEi–SEiiFiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsCited byThe minerals industry in the era of digital transition: An energy-efficient and environmentally conscious approachResources Policy, Vol. 78 Volume 7Issue 3Aug 2019Pages: 1A-T725ISSN (print):2324-8858 ISSN (online):2324-8866 publication data© 2019 Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum GeologistsPublisher:Society of Exploration GeophysicistsAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists HistoryPublished Online: 26 Jul 2019Published in print: 01 Aug 2019 CITATION INFORMATION Haibin Di, Tao Zhao, Vikram Jayaram, Xinming Wu, Lei Huang, Ghassan AlRegib, Jun Cao, Mauricio Araya-Polo, Satinder Chopra, Saleh Al-Dossary, Fangyu Li, Erwan Gloaguen, Youzuo Lin, Anne Solberg, and Hongliu Zeng, (2019), "Introduction to special section: Machine learning in seismic data analysis," Interpretation 7: SEi-SEii. Plain-Language Summary PDF Download Metrics Loading ...
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