Back-n White Neutron Source at CSNS and its Applications
CSNS Back-n Collaboration,Jing-Yu Tang,Qi An,Jiang-Bo Bai,Jie Bao,Yu Bao,Ping Cao,Hao-Lei Chen,Qi-Ping Chen,Yong-Hao Chen,Zhen Chen,Zeng-Qi Cui,Rui-Rui Fan,Chang-Qing Feng,Ke-Qing Gao,Xiao-Long Gao,Min-Hao Gu,Chang-Cai Han,Zi-Jie Han,Guo-Zhu He,Yong-Cheng He,Yang Hong,Yi-Wei Hu,Han-Xiong Huang,Xi-Ru Huang,Hao-Yu Jiang,Wei Jiang,Zhi-Jie Jiang,Han-Tao Jing,Ling Kang,Bo Li,Chao Li,Jia-Wen Li,Qiang Li,Xiao Li,Yang Li,Jie Liu,Rong Liu,Shu-Bin Liu,Xing-Yan Liu,Ze Long,Guang-Yuan Luan,Chang-Jun Ning,Meng-Chen Niu,Bin-Bin Qi,Jie Ren,Zhi-Zhou Ren,Xi-Chao Ruan,Zhao-Hui Song,Kang Sun,Zhi-Jia Sun,Zhi-Xin Tan,Xin-Yi Tang,Bin-Bin Tian,Li-Jiao Wang,Peng-Cheng Wang,Zhao-Hui Wang,Zhong-Wei Wen,Xiao-Guang Wu,Xuan Wu,Li-Kun Xie,Xiao-Yun Yang,Yi-Wei Yang,Han Yi,Li Yu,Tao Yu,Yong-Ji Yu,Guo-Hui Zhang,Lin-Hao Zhang,Qi-Wei Zhang,Xian-Peng Zhang,Yu-Liang Zhang,Zhi-Yong Zhang,Lu-Ping Zhou,Zhi-Hao Zhou,Ke-Jun Zhu
Abstract:Back-streaming neutrons from the spallation target of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) that emit through the incoming proton channel were exploited to build a white neutron beam facility (the so-called Back-n white neutron source), which was completed in March 2018. The Back-n neutron beam is very intense, at approximately 2*10^7 n/cm^2/s at 55 m from the target, and has a nominal proton beam with a power of 100 kW in the CSNS-I phase and a kinetic energy of 1.6 GeV and a thick tungsten target in multiple slices with modest moderation from the cooling water through the slices. In addition, the excellent energy spectrum spanning from 0.5 eV to 200 MeV, and a good time resolution related to the time-of-flight measurements make it a typical white neutron source for nuclear data measurements; its overall performance is among that of the best white neutron sources in the world. Equipped with advanced spectrometers, detectors, and application utilities, the Back-n facility can serve wide applications, with a focus on neutron-induced cross-section measurements. This article presents an overview of the neutron beam characteristics, the experimental setups, and the ongoing applications at Back-n.
Accelerator Physics