Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide During Exercise and Training
S. Schifter,L. Breum,B. Niclasen,A. Vollmer-Larsen,Rasmussen Hs,O. Graff-Larsen
Abstract:Immunohistochemical invetigations have demonstrated the presence of CGRP in motoneurons known to contain acetylcholine as the primary transmitter (Hokfelt, Arvidsson, Ceccatelli, Cortés, Cullheim, Dagerlind, Johnson, Orazzo, Piehi, Pieribone, Schalling, Terenius, UIJliake, Verge, Villar, Wiesenfeld-Hallin, Xu and Xu 1992), and the peptide has been shown to regulate the synthesis of postsyriaptic acetylcholine receptors on the surface of cultured myotubules (New and Mudge 1986). Furthermore, in addition to the stimulating effect on acetylcholine receptors CGRP has also been demonstrated to stimulate the Na/l< pump in rat soleus muscle cells (Clausen and Andersen 1991). Binding sites for CGRP are present in low concentrations in human muscle tissue and chick myotubes in culture have been demonstrated to express high-affinity binding sites for CGRP (Wimalawansa 1992; Jennings and Mudge 1989).