resuIts of a biodegradabIe poIymer and rapamycin ■ coating stent for coronary artery disease

Yuxiao zHANG,LU CaIyl,Qiao XUE,Peng LIU,Wei YAN,Rui CHEN
Abstract:o丬 ec‘ ve To ass钥 s the safcty and cIII cacy of a novcl uodcgradable polymer and rapa1nyo艹 coating stcnt,the EXCEL stcnt,in 山e trcatment of coronary artery山 seasc(CAD),as comparcd with山 e CyphcrTM stent.Me山 ods In tho prospecthe,non-randonuzcd smdy,6o consecuthe p狨忆nts wim sympt。 mat忆 CAD recoved o山 er an EXCEL stent(n=3zl,or a cyphcrTM stent(n=2ω ,acoσ忒ng to thcir respective treatmcnt intcntion,FoII ow~up angiography was pcrfomcd at a1ncan of180± 40days The primary cndpoint ofthc study was the occurrcnce of a m犭 or advCrse cardiac evcnt(MACE),indu(】 ing de狨h,myocar山al infarction,or targct ̈ vessc1 rcvascuhnzation duHng thc6monms aftcr stenting。 Ihe secondary end points included the instentlate1u血 naI loss(LLL),percentage of in-stcnt stcnoso of山 c lumhal dhmctcr,and thc rate of resteno6. s αu血nal narrowhg of50percent or more)狨 6months ResuIts Thcrc werc no signi丘 cant diffcrcnces bctween thc two groups in baseII nc characteII stics,inc1uding the dis勹 ibution of targct vessc1and lcsion types During the fol1ow up pcII od of6months,therc were no occuII cnces of MACE in ci山er group.Twenty-scven patients (84%)in me ExcEL group and10(36%)in山 e CypherTM group undcrwent quan血 auve c。 ronary angiography at6months For山 esc pat始nts,no rcsteno蚯s occuII cd,and merc wcre n。 dffcrenccs in thc in-stent steno蚯 sofme1ummaldhmdσ (5,98± 5.52%vs5,21± 6.3%, P·,0.05)and the11. L←o,o2±0.09nlm vs-001± 0.07nlm,b0,05)CoII cIusions Comparcd w“ h the CypherTM stent,the EXCEL stent with biodegradablc po1ymer and raparnycin-coating showcd siII 丘1ar dIIcaCy in山 e preven伍 on ofneointimal pro1iferation,restcnosis,and associated dinical events in CAD pa“ ents σ C纟冫切Jr C曰碱 oJ2006;3(2):67ˉ 70.)
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