Charged-pion cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries in polarized p þ p collisions at ffiffi s p 1⁄4 200 GeV
A. Adare,C. Aidala,N. Ajitanand,Y. Akiba,R. Akimoto,J. Alexander,K. Andrews,A. Angerami,K. Aoki,N. Apadula,E. Appelt,Y. Aramaki,R. Armendariz,E. Aschenauer,E. Atomssa,T. Awes,B. Azmoun,V. Babintsev,M. Bai,B. Bannier,K. Barish,B. Bassalleck,A. Basye,S. Bathe,V. Baublis,C. Baumann,A. Bazilevsky,R. Belmont,J. Ben-Benjamin,R. Bennett,D. Blau,J. Bok,K. Boyle,M. Brooks,D. Broxmeyer,H. Buesching,V. Bumazhnov,G. Bunce,S. Butsyk,S. Campbell,P. Castera,C. Chen,C. Chi,M. Chiu,I. Choi,J. Choi,R. Choudhury,P. Christiansen,T. Chujo,O. Chvála,V. Cianciolo,Z. Citron,B. Cole,Z. D. Valle,M. Connors,M. Csanád,T. Csörg,S. Dairaku,A. Datta,G. David,M. Dayananda,A. Denisov,A. Deshpande,E. Desmond,K. V. Dharmawardane,O. Dietzsch,A. Dion,M. Donadelli,O. Drapier,A. Drees,K. Drees,J. Durham,A. Durum,D. L,Orazio,Y. Efremenko,T. Engelmore,A. Enokizono,H. En,Yo,S. Esumi,B. Fadem,D. Fields,M. Finger,F. Fleuret,S. Fokin,J. Frantz,A. Franz,A. Frawley,Y. Fukao,T. Fusayasu,C. Gal,I. Garishvili,F. Giordano,A. Glenn,X. Gong,M. Gonin,Y. Goto,R. G. Cassagnac,N. Grau,S. Greene,M. Perdekamp,T. Gunji,L. Guo,H. Gustafsson,J. Haggerty,K. Hahn,H. Hamagaki,J. Hamblen,R. Han,J. Hanks,C. Harper,K. Hashimoto,E. Haslum,R. Hayano,X. He,T. Hemmick,T. Hester,J. Hill,R. Hollis,W. Holzmann,K. Homma,B. Hong,T. Horaguchi,Y. Hori,D. Hornback,S. Huang,T. Ichihara,R. Ichimiya,H. Iinuma,Y. Ikeda,K. Imai,M. Inaba,A. Iordanova,D. Isenhower,M. Ishihara,M. Issah,D. Ivanischev,Y. Iwanaga,B. Jacak,J. Jia,X. Jiang,D. John,B. Johnson,T. Jones,K. Joo,D. Jouan,J. Kamin,S. Kaneti,B. Kang,J. Kang,J. Kang,J. Kapustinsky,K. Karatsu,M. Kasai,D. Kawall,A. Kazantsev,T. Kempel,A. Khanzadeev,K. Kijima,B. Kim,D. Kim,E. Kim,Y. Kim,Y. Kim,E. Kinney,A. Kiss,E. Kistenev,D. Kleinjan,P. Kline,L. Kochenda,B. Komkov,M. Konno,J. Koster,D. Kotov,A. Král,G. Kunde,K. Kurita,M. Kurosawa,Y. Kwon,G. Kyle,R. Lacey,Y. Lai,J. Lajoie,A. Lebedev,D. Lee,J. Lee,K. Lee,K. Lee,S. Lee,S. Lee,M. Leitch,M. Leite,X. Li,S. Lim,L. Levy,H. Liu,M. Liu,B. Love,D. Lynch,C. Maguire,Y. Makdisi,A. Manion,V. Manko,E. Mannel,Y. Mao,H. Masui,M. McCumber,P. McGaughey,D. Mcglinchey,C. McKinney,N. Means,M. Mendoza,B. Meredith,Y. Miake,T. Mibe,A. Mignerey,K. Miki,A. Milov,J. Mitchell,Y. Miyachi,A. Mohanty,H. Moon,Y. Morino,A. Morreale,D. Morrison,S. Motschwiller,T. Moukhanova,T. Murakami,J. Murata,S. Nagamiya,J. Nagle,M. Naglis,M. Nagy,I. Nakagawa,Y. Nakamiya,K. Nakamura,T. Nakamura,K. Nakano,J. Newby,M. Nguyen,M. Nihashi,R. Nouicer,A. Nyanin,C. Oakley,O. E,Brien,C. Ogilvie,M. Oka,K. Okada,A. Oskarsson,M. Ouchida,K. Ozawa,R. Pak,V. Pantuev,V. Papavassiliou,B. Park,I. Park,S. Park,S. Pate,L. Patel,H. Pei,J. Peng,H. Pereira,D. Peressounko,R. Petti,C. Pinkenburg,R. Pisani,M. Proissl,M. Purschke,H. Qu,J. Rak,I. Ravinovich,K. Read,K. Reygers,V. Riabov,Y. Riabov,E. Richardson,D. Roach,G. Roche,S. Rolnick,M. Rosati,S. Rosendahl,J. Rubin,B. Sahlmueller,N. Saito,T. Sakaguchi,V. Samsonov,S. Sano,M. Sarsour,T. Sato,M. Savastio,S. Sawada,K. Sedgwick,R. Seidl,R. Seto,D. Sharma,I. Shein,T. Shibata,K. Shigaki,H. Shim,M. Shimomura,K. Shoji,P. Shukla,A. Sickles,C. Silva,D. Silvermyr,C. Silvestre,K. Sim,B. Singh,C. P. Singh,V. Singh,T. Sodre,R. Soltz,W. Sondheim,S. Sorensen,I. Sourikova,P. Stankus,E. Stenlund,S. Stoll,T. Sugitate,A. Sukhanov,J. Sun,J. Sziklai,E. M. Takagui,A. Takahara,A. Taketani,R. Tanabe,Y. Tanaka,S. Taneja,K. Tanida,M. Tannenbaum,S. Tarafdar,A. Taranenko,E. Tennant,H. Themann,D. Thomas,M. Togawa,H. Torii,R. Towell,I. Tserruya,Y. Tsuchimoto,K. Utsunomiya,C. Vale,H. W. Hecke,E. Vazquez-Zambrano,A. Veicht,J. Velkovska,R. Vértesi,M. Virius,A. Vossen,V. Vrba,E. Vznuzdaev,X. Wang,D. Watanabe,K. Watanabe,Y. Watanabe,Y. Watanabe,F. Wei,R. Wei,J. Wessels,S. White,D. Winter,C. Woody,R. M. Wright,M. Wysocki,Y. Yamaguchi,R. Yang,A. Yanovich,J. Ying,S. Yokkaichi,J. S. Yoo,Z. You,G. Young,I. Younus,I. Yushmanov,W. Zajc,A. Zelenski,S. Zhou
Abstract:We present midrapidity charged-pion invariant cross sections, the ratio of the pi(-) to pi(+) cross sections and the charge-separated double-spin asymmetries in polarized p + p collisions at root s = p + 200 GeV. While the cross section measurements are consistent within the errors of next-to-leading-order (NLO) perturbative quantum chromodynamics predictions (pQCD), the same calculations overestimate the ratio of the chargedpion cross sections. This discrepancy arises from the cancellation of the substantial systematic errors associated with the NLO-pQCD predictions in the ratio and highlights the constraints these data will place on flavor-dependent pion fragmentation functions. The charge-separated pion asymmetries presented here sample an x range of similar to 0.03-0.16 and provide unique information on the sign of the gluon-helicity distribution. Disciplines Elementary Particles and Fields and String Theory | Physics Comments This is an article from Physical Review D 91 (2015): 032001, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.91.032001. Posted with permission. Authors Andrew Adare, Alan Dion, John C. Hill, Todd Kempel, John G. Lajoie, Alexandre Lebedev, Craig Ogilvie, H. Pei, Marzia Rosati, C. L. Silva, Feng Wei, et al., and PHENIX Collaboration This article is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository: Charged-pion cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries in polarized pþ p collisions at ffiffi s p 1⁄4 200 GeV A. Adare, C. Aidala, N. N. Ajitanand, Y. Akiba, R. Akimoto, H. Al-Ta’ani, J. Alexander, K. R. Andrews, A. Angerami, K. Aoki, N. Apadula, E. Appelt, Y. Aramaki, R. Armendariz, E. C. Aschenauer, E. T. Atomssa, T. C. Awes, B. Azmoun, V. Babintsev, M. Bai, B. Bannier, K. N. Barish, B. Bassalleck, A. T. Basye, S. Bathe, V. Baublis, C. Baumann, A. Bazilevsky, R. Belmont, J. Ben-Benjamin, R. Bennett, D. S. Blau, J. S. Bok, K. Boyle, M. L. Brooks, D. Broxmeyer, H. Buesching, V. Bumazhnov, G. Bunce, S. Butsyk, S. Campbell, P. Castera, C.-H. Chen, C. Y. Chi, M. Chiu, I. J. Choi, J. B. Choi, R. K. Choudhury, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, O. Chvala, V. Cianciolo, Z. Citron, B. A. Cole, Z. Conesa del Valle, M. Connors, M. Csanád, T. Csörgő, S. Dairaku, A. Datta, G. David, M. K. Dayananda, A. Denisov, A. Deshpande, E. J. Desmond, K. V. Dharmawardane, O. Dietzsch, A. Dion, M. Donadelli, O. Drapier, A. Drees, K. A. Drees, J. M. Durham, A. Durum, L. D’Orazio, Y. V. Efremenko, T. Engelmore, A. Enokizono, H. En’yo, S. Esumi, B. Fadem, D. E. Fields, M. Finger, M. Finger, Jr., F. Fleuret, S. L. Fokin, J. E. Frantz, A. Franz, A. D. Frawley, Y. Fukao, T. Fusayasu, C. Gal, I. Garishvili, F. Giordano, A. Glenn, X. Gong, M. Gonin, Y. Goto, R. Granier de Cassagnac, N. Grau, S. V. Greene, M. Grosse Perdekamp, T. Gunji, L. Guo, H.-Å. Gustafsson, J. S. Haggerty, K. I. Hahn, H. Hamagaki, J. Hamblen, R. Han, J. Hanks, C. Harper, K. Hashimoto, E. Haslum, R. Hayano, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, T. Hester, J. C. Hill, R. S. Hollis, W. Holzmann, K. Homma, B. Hong, T. Horaguchi, Y. Hori, D. Hornback, S. Huang, T. Ichihara, R. Ichimiya, H. Iinuma, Y. Ikeda, K. Imai, M. Inaba, A. Iordanova, D. Isenhower, M. Ishihara, M. Issah, D. Ivanischev, Y. Iwanaga, B. V. Jacak, J. Jia, X. Jiang, D. John, B. M. Johnson, T. Jones, K. S. Joo, D. Jouan, J. Kamin, S. Kaneti, B. H. Kang, J. H. Kang, J. S. Kang, J. Kapustinsky, K. Karatsu, M. Kasai, D. Kawall, A. V. Kazantsev, T. Kempel, A. Khanzadeev, K. M. Kijima, B. I. Kim, D. J. Kim, E.-J. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, Y. K. Kim, E. Kinney, Á. Kiss, E. Kistenev, D. Kleinjan, P. Kline, L. Kochenda, B. Komkov, M. Konno, J. Koster, D. Kotov, A. Král, G. J. Kunde, K. Kurita, M. Kurosawa, Y. Kwon, G. S. Kyle, R. Lacey, Y. S. Lai, J. G. Lajoie, A. Lebedev, D. M. Lee, J. Lee, K. B. Lee, K. S. Lee, S. H. Lee, S. R. Lee, M. J. Leitch, M. A. L. Leite, X. Li, S. H. Lim, L. A. Linden Levy, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, B. Love, D. Lynch, C. F. Maguire, Y. I. Makdisi, A. Manion, V. I. Manko, E. Mannel, Y. Mao, H. Masui, M. McCumber, P. L. McGaughey, D. McGlinchey, C. McKinney, N. Means, M. Mendoza, B. Meredith, Y. Miake, T. Mibe, A. C. Mignerey, K. Miki, A. Milov, J. T. Mitchell, Y. Miyachi, A. K. Mohanty, H. J. Moon, Y. Morino, A. Morreale, D. P. Morrison, S. Motschwiller, T. V. Moukhanova, T. Murakami, J. Murata, S. Nagamiya, J. L. Nagle, M. Naglis, M. I. Nagy, I. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamiya, K. R. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, K. Nakano, J. Newby, M. Nguyen, M. Nihashi, R. Nouicer, A. S. Nyanin, C. Oakley, E. O’Brien, C. A. Ogilvie, M. Oka, K. Okada, A. Oskarsson, M. Ouchida, K. Ozawa, R. Pak, V. Pantuev, V. Papavassiliou, B. H. Park, I. H. Park, S. K. Park, S. F. Pate, L. Patel, H. Pei, J.-C. Peng, H. Pereira, D. Yu. Peressounko, R. Petti, C. Pinkenburg, R. P. Pisani, M. Proissl, M. L. Purschke, H. Qu, J. Rak, I. Ravinovich, K. F. Read, K. Reygers, V. Riabov, Y. Riabov, E. Richardson, D. Roach, G. Roche, S. D. Rolnick, M. Rosati, S. S. E. Rosendahl, J. G. Rubin, B. Sahlmueller, N. Saito, T. Sakaguchi, V. Samsonov, S. Sano, M. Sarsour, T. Sato, M. Savastio, S. Sawada, K. Sedgwick, R. Seidl, R. Seto, D. Sharma, I. Shein, T.-A. Shibata, K. Shigaki, H. H. Shim, M. Shimomura, K. Shoji, P. Shukla, A. Sickles, C. L. Silva, D. Silvermyr, C. Silvestre, K. S. Sim, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh, V. Singh, M. Slunečka, T. Sodre, R. A. Soltz, W. E. Sondheim, S. P. Sorensen, I. V. Sourikova, P. W. Stankus, E. Stenlund, S. P. Stoll, T. Sugitate, A. Sukhanov, J. Sun, J. Sziklai, E. M. Takagui, A. Takahara, A. Taketani, R. Tanabe, Y. Tanaka, S. Taneja, K. Tanida, M. J. Tannenbaum, S. Tarafdar, A. Taranenko, E. Tennant, H. Themann, D. Thomas, M. Togawa, L. Tomášek, M. Tomášek, H. Torii, R. S. Towell, I. Tserruya, Y. Tsuchimoto, K. Utsunomiya, C. Vale, H.W. van Hecke, E. Vazquez-Zambrano, A. Veicht, J. Velkovska, R. Vértesi, M. Virius, A. Vossen, V. Vrba, E. Vznuzdaev, X. R. Wang, D. Watanabe, K. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. S. Watanabe, F. Wei, R. Wei, J. Wessels, S. N. White, D. Winter, C. L. Woody, R. M. Wright, M. Wysocki, Y. L. Yamaguchi, R. Yang, A. Yanovich, J. Ying, S. Yokkaichi, J. S. Yoo, Z. You, G. R. Young, I. Younus, I. E. Yushmanov, W. A. Zajc, A. Zelenski, and S. Zhou (PHENIX Collaboration) Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas 79699, USA Department of Physics, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57197, USA Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91, 032001 (2015) 1550-7998=2015=91(3)=032001(13) 032001-1 © 2015 American Physical Society Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay 400 085, India Baruch College, City University of New York, New York, New York 10010, USA Collider-Accelerator Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000, USA Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000, USA University of California Riverside, Riverside, California 92521, USA Charles University, Ovocný trh 5, Praha 1, 116 36 Prague, Czech Republic Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Korea Science and Technology on Nuclear Data Laboratory, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, People’s Republic of China Center for Nuclear Study, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA and Nevis Laboratories, Irvington, New York 10533, USA Czech Technical University, Zikova 4, 166 36 Prague 6, Czech Republic Dapnia, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France ELTE, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmany Péter sétány 1/A, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, USA Hanyang University, Seoul 133-792, Korea Hiroshima University, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan IHEP Protvino, State Research Center of Russian Federation, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino 142281, Russia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prospekt 60-letiya Oktyabrya 7a, Moscow 117312, Russia Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2-4 Shirakata Shirane, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195, Japan Helsinki Institute of Physics and University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35, FI-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Korea Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow 123098, Russia Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS-IN2P3, Route de Saclay, F-91128 Palaiseau, France Physics Department, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore 54792, Pakistan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA LPC, Université Blaise Pascal, CNRS-IN2P3, Clermont-Fd, 63177 Aubiere Cedex, France Department of Physics, Lund University, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9337, USA Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1040, USA Institut fur Kernphysik, University of Muenster, D-48149 Muenster, Germany Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104-5586, USA Myongji University, Yongin, Kyonggido 449-728, Korea Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki 851-0193, Japan National Research Nuclear University, MEPhI, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow 115409, Russia University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA New Mexico State University,