2 CP Violation in the Higgs Sector

K. S. Babu,Christopher Kolda,John March-Russell,Frank Wilczek
Abstract:Supersymmetric extensions of the standard model generically contain additional sources of CP violation. We discuss how at one loop a potentially large CP violating coupling of the lightest Higgs, h0, to leptons is induced in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). The CP violating couplings of h0 in extensions of the MSSM, such as the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) are also considered. We indicate how this CP violation might be observed; in particular a polarization-dependent production asymmetry, in the context of a muon collider, provides a means to access this coupling cleanly. In the MSSM, existing limits on the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron, coupled with standard universality assumptions, severly constrains any such signal. Nevertheless, extensions of the MSSM, such as the NMSSM, allow CP-violating signals as large as 100%. Current address: Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 Current address: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, MS 50A-5101, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow. Current address: Theory Division, CERN, CH-1211, Geneva 23, Switzerland
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