Some congruences motivated by algebraic topology

Clark Bray,Adrian Butscher,Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo
Abstract:In July 2005, D. M. Davis posted several original numbertheoretic conjectures arising from his investigation of homotopy exponents of the special unitary group SU(n). The recent study of these conjectures and their generalizations by the author and Davis led to a strong lower bound for the homotopy p-exponent of SU(n), as well as a number of new combinatorial congruences some of which extend vastly some classical congruences (such as Lucas’ theorem) concerning binomial coefficients. We talk about these results and propose some further conjectures. 1. Davis’ conjectures arising from algebraic topology Let N = {0, 1, 2, . . . }. For a prime p and an integer m, we call ordp(m) = sup{n ∈ N : p | m} the p-adic order of m (or the order of m at prime p). On July 8, 2005, Prof. Donald M. Davis (a topologist from Lehigh University) posted a message to Number Theory Listserver and Archives containing several conjectures arising from his study of algebraic topology. Here are three main conjectures of Davis: 1
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