Multiparameter Quantum Supergroups, Deformations and Specializations
Gastón Andrés García,Fabio Gavarini,Margherita Paolini
Abstract:In this paper we introduce a multiparameter version of the quantum universal enveloping superalgebras introduced by Yamane in [H. Yamane, "Quantized enveloping algebras associated to simple Lie superalgebras and their universal $R$-matrices", Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 30 (1994), no. 1, 15-87]. For these objects we consider:
- (1) their deformations by twist and by 2-cocycle (both of "toral type"); in particular, we prove that this family is stable under both types of deformations;
- (2) their semiclassical limits, which are multiparameter Lie superbialgebras;
- (3) the deformations by twist and by 2-cocycle (of "toral type") of these multiparameter Lie superbialgebras: in particular, we prove that this family is stable under these deformations, and that "quantization commutes with deformation".
Quantum Algebra,Mathematical Physics,Rings and Algebras