Simplified BB84 quantum key distribution secure against coherent attacks

Lu Yu-Shuo,Yin Hua-Lei,Chen Zeng-Bing
Abstract: Decoy-state quantum key distribution (QKD) has convincingly been shown the core solution to secure key exchange. While standard BB84 protocol needs to prepare and measure all states of two complementary bases, which seriously restricts its real life applications in photonic integration and high speed system. Fortunately, a simplified BB84, only sending and receiving three states, achieves the same asymptotic secret key rate compared with standard BB84 under coherent attacks. In this work, by skillfully exploiting uncertainty relation for smooth entropies, we provide the finite-key security bounds for decoy-state simplified BB84 QKD against coherent attacks in the universally composable framework. Simulation results show that it can also achieve almost the same performance compared with standard BB84 even the total number of pulses is as low as $10^{8}$. We conclude that simplified BB84 can completely replace standard BB84 to be the best choice for QKD in most common practical scenarios.
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