An expansion effect based pseudo-boiling critical point model for supercritical CO<sub<2</sub<
Hai-Song Zhang,Mao-Cong Lu,Zhi-Gang Li,Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy and Power, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academic of Science, Beijing 100190, China,Chinese Academic of Science, Beijing 100049, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Zhang Hai-Song, Lu Mao-Cong, Li Zhi-Gang Heat transfer deterioration (HTD) is one of the important issues in the study of supercritical fluid (SCF) heat transfer. However, when the SCF crosses the pseudo-critical point, the none-quilibrium process occurs in liquid, so SCF is very complicated. Recently, the existence of SCF pseudo-boiling on a macro scale has sparked controversy. There is still no unified understanding of the mechanism of gas-like and liquid-like transition affecting heat transfer. In this work, it is assumed that SCF has a macroscopic phenomenon similar to subcritical flow boiling. By analogy with subcritical boiling heat transfer, a boiling critical point model is proposed to describe the HTD in supercritical CO<sub<2< a="" accuracy="" and="" between="" by="" can="" caused="" certain="" changing="" characteristics.="" connection="" considering="" correlation="" cover="" covering="" deterioration="" different="" distribution="" enriching="" enthalpy="" established="" exceeds="" experimental="" explain="" fluid="" for="" forms,="" gas-like="" gradient,="" greatly="" heat="" higher="" htd="" idea="" improved.="" in="" is="" large="" layer="" liquid-like="" makes="" may="" model="" new="" occur.="" occurs="" of="" only="" our="" p="" prediction="" present="" proposed="" provides="" pseudo-boiling="" pseudo-critical="" results="" reveals="" scf="" study="" studying="" sub<.="" subcritical="" supercritical="" superheated="" temperature="" than="" that="" the="" theoretical="" theoretically,="" theory="" this="" thus="" transfer="" transfer,="" transfer. Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(18): 184402. Published 2024-09-20</sub<2<>
physics, multidisciplinary