Vibration Tests of 3D Printed Satellite Structure Made of Lattice Sandwich Panels

Xiaoyu Zhang,Hao Zhou,Wenhua Shi,Fuming Zeng,Huizhong Zeng,Geng Chen
IF: 2.624
AIAA Journal
Abstract:No AccessTechnical NoteVibration Tests of 3D Printed Satellite Structure Made of Lattice Sandwich PanelsXiaoyu Zhang, Hao Zhou, Wenhua Shi, Fuming Zeng, Huizhong Zeng and Geng ChenXiaoyu ZhangBeijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, 100094 Beijing, People’s Republic of China*Engineer, Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Space Robotic Systems Technology and Applications, Department of Mechanical System, CAST.Search for more papers by this author, Hao ZhouBeijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, 100094 Beijing, People’s Republic of China†Ph.D., Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Space Robotic Systems Technology and Applications, Department of Mechanical System, CAST; (Corresponding Author).Search for more papers by this author, Wenhua ShiBeijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, 100094 Beijing, People’s Republic of China‡Researcher, Market Research Department, CAST.Search for more papers by this author, Fuming ZengBeijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, 100094 Beijing, People’s Republic of China§Researcher, Department of Mechanical System, CAST.Search for more papers by this author, Huizhong ZengBeijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, 100094 Beijing, People’s Republic of China*Engineer, Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Space Robotic Systems Technology and Applications, Department of Mechanical System, CAST.Search for more papers by this author and Geng ChenRWTH Aachen University, 52068 Aachen, GermanyDr.-Ing., Chair and Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering.Search for more papers by this authorPublished Online:29 Jun 2018 Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail About References [1] Gibson L. 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All rights reserved. All requests for copying and permission to reprint should be submitted to CCC at; employ the ISSN 0001-1452 (print) or 1533-385X (online) to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissions TopicsComputational Fluid DynamicsFinite Element MethodFluid DynamicsLaunch VehiclesMaterials TestingMechanical TestingMechanical and Structural VibrationsNumerical AnalysisSatellitesSpace Launch SystemsSpace SystemsSpace Systems and VehiclesSpacecraftsStructural AnalysisStructural Design and DevelopmentStructural EngineeringStructures, Design and Test KeywordsSatellitesResonant FrequenciesDirect Metal Laser MeltingTensile StrengthFEMRocket LaunchPower Spectral DensityAcceleration SensorsStructural FailureNumerical AnalysisAcknowledgmentsThis project was financially supported by the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program from China Association for Science and Technology. The authors acknowledge the support from Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering and Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Space Robotic Systems Technology and Applications.PDF Received21 March 2018Accepted9 May 2018Published online29 June 2018
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