The Compact Pulsed Hadron Source Construction Status
J. Wei,Zhi Zeng,Huayi Zhang,Weiqiang Guan,J. Stovall,Wenqian Li,Cheng,Qixi Feng,Zhe Feng,Hongwei Zhao,Shu-xin Zheng,C.‐K. Loong,Dong Xu,B. Zhong,Beibei Shao,Renkai Li,Hui Gong,Yu He,J. Billen,Dong-sheng zhang,Xuewu Wang,Guohua Li,Taibin Du,Jian Li,Qingzi Xing,Tianjiao Liang,Xiaofeng Xie,Xialing Guan,Jie Li,Juzhou Tao,T. Huang,Lloyd M. Young,Yaliang Zhao,L. T. Sun,Jinchi Cai,Zhifeng Huang,Yuandong Yang,Chuanxiang Tang,Huaibi Chen,Jinghai Li,Xiaoxue Han,Xiaozhang Zhang,Qiang Du,Yang Tian,Zhengfeng Xiong,Zhihong Zheng,Y. Bai,Shinian Fu
Abstract:This paper reports the design and construction status, technical challenges, and future perspectives of the proton-linac based Compact Pulsed Hadron Source (CPHS) at the Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. INTRODUCTION While the 21st century has witnessed outstanding progress in high-power spallation neutron-source projects, noticeably the realization of the SNS (US), J-PARC (Japan), ISIS upgrade (UK) and the ongoing progress of the ESS (EU), and CSNS (China), the development of compact, accelerator-based neutron sources is relatively tardy although their importance, especially in education, user training and R&D of neutronics and instrumentation, has long been recognized. The CPHS project at Tsinghua University started its construction in June 2009 [1]. Initially, CPHS consists of a proton linac (13 MeV, 16 kW, peak current 50 mA, 0.5 ms pulse width at 50 Hz), a neutron target station, a small-angle neutron scattering instrument, a neutron imaging/radiology station, and a proton irradiation station. Currently, fabrication of the accelerator systems has begun. The initial phase of the CPHS construction is scheduled to complete in 2012. FACILITY LAYOUT The CPHS main facility is housed in an existing shielded building immediately adjacent to the Tsinghua Thompson-backscattering light source [2] in the main campus of Tsinghua (Fig. 1). The total building area including the main and supporting facilities is about 1,000 m. The electrical capacity is 1 MVA. The cooling water capacity is ~2000 l/min. Machine and personnel protection systems are designed to act upon both sudden fault conditions and routine operations. Radiation dosage is limited to 2.5 Sv/h at the facility boundary so as to satisfy the 2.5-mSv/yr limit set by the government. Skyshine and ground water impacts are evaluated accordingly. Figure 1: CPHS main facility layout. The building space housing the accelerator and the target station is 6m x 22m. Shaded area shows moveable shielding blocks. TECHNICAL SYSTEM PROGRESS Ion Source and Low Energy Beam Transport The proton beam is produced from the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) proton source (2.45 GHz, 1.5 kW) and transported through the LEBT (Fig. 2). The H2 plasma is restricted by an axial magnetic field shaped by the source body of an all-permanent-magnet (NdFeB rings) design. The 50 keV pulsed beam of 0.5 ms length is extracted by a four-electrode system. The 1.3 m long LEBT consists of two solenoid lenses, two sets of steering magnets, and a cone configuration optically matches to the RFQ with the Courant-Snyder parameters of =1.354 and =7.731. The design was assisted by Trace-3D [3] and PBGUN [4] simulations for a beam of 97% spacecharge neutralization rate reaching the RFQ with 100 mA ____________________________________________ *Work supported by the “985 Project” of the Ministry of Education of China, CAS Sciences Hundred People Initiative (KJCX2-YW-N22), CAS Overseas Outstanding Youth Program, and the National Natural Science Foundation (10628510). Proceedings of IPAC’10, Kyoto, Japan MOPEC071 04 Hadron Accelerators A15 High Intensity Accelerators 633 peak current and 0.2 m rms normalized emittance. This ion source is currently under tests at IMP in Lanzhou. Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) The physical design of the 3 MeV, 50 mA peak-current RFQ was completed revised in late 2009 [5]. With the new design, the length of the RFQ was shortened by about 30%, and the medium-energy-beam-transport (MEBT) was eliminated. The transverse and longitudinal focusing at the high energy end of the RFQ are tailored to match the DTL entry providing continuous restoring forces independent of the beam current. The cavity cross section and vane-tip geometry are tailored longitudinally while limiting the peak surface electric field to 1.8 Kilpatrick. The transmission rate given by the PARMTEQM codes [6] is 97.2%. The transverse emittance increases by ~20% when the beam reaches the RFQ exit. Mechanically, the 3-m long RFQ is separated into three sections of 1 m each to facilitate machining and brazing. Trial fabrication has started at the Kelin Co. Ltd. in Shanghai (Fig. 3). cross-section prototype is un Figure 2: Layout of the ECR ion source and the LEBT. Drift-tube Linac (DTL) The physical design of the 13 MeV, 50 mA peakcurrent DTL was also revised in late 2009 [7] to match the RFQ in the no-MEBT scheme. The 4.4-m long DTL cavity in a FD lattice consists of two sections of totally 40 cells. Permanent-magnet quadrupoles (PMQs) are used for the transverse focusing at the maximum gradient of 0.9 T/cm. The average accelerating field varies from 2.2 to 3.8 MV/m with the maximum surface field up to 1.6 Kilpatrick. Presently, the full der construction at the Tsinghua University (Fig. 4). Radio-frequency System Both RFQ and DTL share a single RF power source that consists of the signal generator at 325 MHz, amplifier, klystron, high voltage power supply, pulsed modulator, crowbar protection, RF transmission, and control and interlock systems. The RF transmission consists of a power divider with a ratio of 1:2, an isolating attenuator, an isolating phase shifter, and waveguides (Fig. 5). The 2.1 MW peak power from the klystron is split accordingly. The isolating attenuator consists of a 4-port circulator, a Y-junction, a high power load and a sliding short. It can be adjustable for amplitudes from 100 to 80% to meet the 0.6 MW power need of the RFQ. The output of the phase shifter can be adjusted for a range of +/45° for the DTL. Figure 3: Structure layout of the 1-m long RFQ section 1. Figure 4: Structure layout of the 2.2m long DTL section 1. (Fig. 6), the small-angle neutron imaging/radiography instruments, the tron detectors and choppers have been re Figure 5: Layout of the RF transmission system. Neutron Target Station and Instruments Progresses in the target-moderator-reflector and the cryogenic systems scattering and the R&D efforts in neu ported in Ref. [8].