A Robust Optimization Algorithm for Image-Guided Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy
X. Wang,Q. Hou,P. Wang,J. Li,S. Kang,L. C. Orlandini
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.06.748
Abstract:We hypothesize that the robustness of the brachytherapy treatment plan can be improved by robust optimization. This abstract presents a robust optimization algorithm for brachytherapy treatment planning and discusses the usefulness of this method for cervical cancer brachytherapy. The robust optimization model implemented, is based on the worst dose distribution method for considering the dose in the presence of source position uncertainties. For each iteration on optimization, apart from the nominal scenario, we assumed that all sources move ±2 mm along the x, y, and z directions. The iterative objective function was calculated using the worst dose distribution. F(tm,n) = ∑pTARHTAR(Di,min - D0,TAR)(Di,min - D0,TAR)2 + ∑pOARsHOARs(Di,max - D0,OARs)(Di,max - D0,OARs)2; Dmin = min(D0-D6); Dmax = max(D0-D6); where tm,n is the dwell time of the n-th dwell position in the m-th channel; p is the penalty weight of the organ; Di is the dose of the i-th voxel; D0 is the prescription dose; H(Di - D0) is a Heaviside function, which equals 1 if Di > D0 but 0 if Di ≤ D0. Twenty patients with radical cervical cancer who had completed the treatment were retrospectively selected. The conventional optimization plans (COPs) and robust optimization plans (ROPs) were compared. For each patient, the nominal plan was normalized to the prescribed dose of 6Gy per fraction, and 7 scenarios were calculated. Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) parameters were used for the comparison. The robustness of the COPs and the ROPs was evaluated using the DVH bands. The dosimetric results obtained in the nominal scenario and in the worst dose distribution for the COPs and ROPs are reported in Table 1. It was noted that the results obtained for the ROPs are worse than the ones obtained for COPs. In the scenarios with shift source position, the mean CTV D100% of the ROPs is 1.47% lower than the COPs, while the mean CTV is 3.77% higher. The mean CTV V150% of the ROPs is 0.35% higher than the COPs (p > 0.05); however, the difference has a negligible difference. The mean D2cc of the bladder, rectum, and intestines is 0.12Gy, 0.17Gy, and 0.06Gy higher than the COPs (p < 0.05), respectively.There was no remarkable difference in the DVH bands of the ROP and the COP in any of the patients studied. Robust optimization based on the worst dose distribution does not improve the robustness of the brachytherapy plan for cervical cancer. Therefore, other methods are required to reduce the dosimetric effect of uncertainties in brachytherapy.Abstract 3830; Table 1ParameterNominal scenarioWorst dose distributionCOPsROPspCOPsROPspCTV, D100%3.89±0.303.77±0.280.0033.40±0.213.35±0.200.021CTV, D90%6.00±0.006.00±0.00-5.68±0.075.70±0.070.093CTV, V150%52.59±2.1354.83±2.440.00050.42±2.7052.32±2.580.000Bladder D2cc4.62±0.614.82±0.720.0455.27±0.815.39±0.810.001Rectum D2cc4.04±0.694.23±0.720.0004.58±0.824.75±0.850.001Sigmoid D2cc3.05±1.033.17±1.050.0363.42±1.193.48±1.190.006 Open table in a new tab