Felix: A Pcie Based High-Throughput Approach for Interfacing Front-End and Trigger Electronics in the Atlas Upgrade Framework
J. Anderson,K. Bauer,A. Borga,H. Boterenbrood,H. Chen,K. Chen,G. Drake,M. Donszelmann,D. Francis,D. Guest,B. Gorini,M. Joos,F. Lanni,G. Lehmann Miotto,L. Levinson,J. Narevicius,W. Panduro Vazquez,A. Roich,S. Ryu,F. Schreuder,J. Schumacher,W. Vandelli,J. Vermeulen,D. Whiteson,W. Wu,J. Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/11/12/c12023
Journal of Instrumentation
Abstract:The ATLAS Phase-I upgrade (2019) requires a Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system able to trigger and record data from up to three times the nominal LHC instantaneous luminosity. The Front-End LInk eXchange (FELIX) system provides an infrastructure to achieve this in a scalable, detector agnostic and easily upgradeableway. It is a PC-based gateway, interfacing custom radiation tolerant optical links from front-end electronics, via PCIe Gen3 cards, to a commodity switched Ethernet or InfiniBand network. FELIX enables reducing custom electronics in favour of software running on commercial servers. The FELIX system, the design of the PCIe prototype card and the integration test results are presented in this paper.