Knowledge Organization and the Transition of Traditional Organization
Chair Kimura,Masahiro Yoshimoto,Takashi Nakamura,Akihiro Hiroki,Ken Nakahara,Rohm Co,Ltd Kuzuhara,Joel T. Asubar,Satofumi Souma,Tomonori Seki,Takatoshi Kato,Murata Co,Masayuki Furuhashi,Takeshi Fukuda,N. Ueda,Yukio Ando,Ricoh Co,Ltd Murakami,Yoshifumi Yaoi,Ishida Co,Ltd Tokiyoshi,Matsuda Flosfia,Inc Kenji,Okada Towerjazz,Hiroyuki Nishinaka
Abstract:The tremendous change of the environment of organization results in the transiti on of the organization themselves, the concept of knowledge organization is a ne w concept of the nature of organization produced in the base of this change. Thi s paper sums up three characteristics of the knowledge organization, that is ,kn owledge become the core resource, knowledge become the core asset for creating v alue for the organization, and the knowledge management become the focus point o f all management activities of the organization. This paper concludes that trans ition of the organization must be the unite outlet of the traditional organizati on. The traditional organization must focus on knowledge management, embodying m ore knowledge into the products and services they produced, and changing the str ucture of the input factors for their production.