An Outline Synthesis of Great Cultural Evolutions in Chinese History
Abstract:From the legendary Yao,Shun,and Yu in Chinese ancient history to the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,there were five most significant cultural evolutions,namely,the evolution in social institutions and material culture from Yao and Shun's days to the early Xia Dynasty,that of ideological culture in the Shang and Zhou times,the wholesome changes in ideology,institutions,material,and conventions and customs in the Spring and Antumn and the Warring Kingdoms days,the great evolution of ideological culture in the Wei,the Jin, the Northern and the Southern Dynasties when Buddhism was introduced in China,and the great comprehensive evolution in ideology,institutions,material,and conventions and customs in the late Qing Dynasty and the early days of the Republic of China.These cultural evolutions all exercised very profound influence on Chinese history and civilization.