Market Segmentation Factor Distortion and Industry Upgrading——The Evidence from China (1998~2007)
Abstract:In the light of embrace of fiscal system reform and globalization,China has experienced a golden time of fast economic development speed.Many scholars point out that China has evolved into a market preserving fiscal federalism and it is this institution that promotes Chinese economic growth.However,at the same time,local protectionism has been a recurrent theme in Chinese economic policies since Young first argued in his seminal analysis in 2000.Under the background of decentralization,with the purpose of rent-seeking opportunities,local governments have strong incentives to maintain economic distortion.In other words,distortions beget distortions(Young 2000) and Chinese economic reform is characterized as one of important barriers and restrictions on resource mobility,local protectionism and trade barriers also likely impeded the inter-regional flow of goods.Besides market segmentation,the other distinguished tool implemented by Chinese local government is factor market distortion.To be specifically,the reform of factor marketization legs behind goods marketization.The wage,land rent and the return of capital are the results of government intervention instead of market mechanism.Both the restriction of inter-regional resource flow and misallocation of factor across sector have been showed to reduce the aggregate TFP of China.These are all the explanations from a macro point of view.But if we notice that it is structural bonus from industrial upgrading that bring and maintain a sustained economic growth(Peneder2002) and the fact that the role of industrial upgrading plays in improving overall economic efficiency is weakening(Liu Wei 2008),a natural question raised up,are the features of market segmentation and factor distortion on aggregate economy can also be found at the industry level? Besides,the implementation of both market segmentation and factor distortion rely on the administrative monopoly power from local government,so it is necessary to construct a comprehensive model nested both market segmentation and factor distortion to investigate the proposition that whether local government behaviors are helping or grabbing hand . Relying on the Chinese provincial panel data from 1998 to 2007,we construed the index to measure market segmentation factor distortion,implement the estimation of two-step SYS-GMM,and then analyze whether both of them may inhibit industry upgrading or not.According to our empirical results,we find that the relationship between market segmentation and industry upgrading exhibits an inverse U shape.We explained this phenomenon from short run and long run.In short run,the restriction may attenuate the intensity of local market competition,enterprises benefit a lot from less competitive environment,and they can raise a huge profit by local monopoly power instead of technical innovation.Both of two fundamental resources of industry upgrading,scale effect of market size and comparative advantage are eroded by market segmentation,so the wealth accumulated from local protectionism is not sustainable.The mechanism of this influence is through decreasing the spillover of FDI,factor distortion may hinder industry upgrading also.Besides,the effect of market segmentation and factor distortion on industry upgrading is different between regions.In the inner lands,not market segmentation but also factor distortion exhibit an inverse U shape impact on industry upgrading while this effect cannot be discovered from the regression of coastal areas sample.And the factor distortion influence on industry upgrading is much more significant in inner lands than in coastal areas.Based on the analysis above,we draw the conclusion that,although government intervention is conductive to accelerating of industry structure in the short time,in the long run,helping will become grabbing hand.At last we give some suggestion about how to promote industry structure upgrading,such as promotion of domestic market integration,marketization of factor,a policy transfer from city-biased to urban-rural integration and reform of government system.