Characteristics of cervical spondylosis in youths and its surgical treatment
Abstract:Objective:To study the characteristics of cervical spondylosis and the effects of surgical treatment in the patients under 30 years old.Method:The medical records of all cases under 30 years old who under-went surgical treatment for cervical spondylosis from January 1,2002 to June 30,2007 were analyzed retro-spectively,which included pathogenesis,clinical manifestations,treatment and follow-up according to the scale of Japanese Orthopaedic Association(JOA).30 cases were enrolled with 26 males and 4 females,Among them,there were 5 farmers,4 physical workers,11 office workers,2 students,7 without regular work and 1 acrobat.The interval time between the onset of the disease to the operation was1-36 months,with an average of 10 months.Result:Those with cervical spondylosis under 30 years old who underwent surgical treatment accounted for 0.8% of all cases of cervical spondylosis treated surgically in the same period,including myelopathy 24 cases,radiculopathy 2 cases,myelopathy combined with sympathetic symptoms 4 cases.Office worker was 43% in this group,10 cases with developmental stenosis of vertebral canal,27 cases with degeneration of interver-tebral disc,2 cases with intervertebral instability of cervical spine.The surgical procedures included anterior decompression and fusion in 11 cases,artificial intervertebral disc replacement 9 cases,C3-7 posterior open-door laminoplasty 6 cases,combined anterior and posterior operation 4 cases.C5 nerve root palsy occurred in 1 case after posterior open-door laminoplasty,but it recovered 3 days after surgery.There was no other surgi-cal related complications.30 cases were followed up for 12-72 months,with an average of 34 months.The symptoms fo all patients were markedly improved postoperatively,the JOA scales of myelopathy type incerased from pre-operatve13(range,10~15)to postoperative 16.7(range,16~17),and the improvement rate was 93%.The Visual Analogue Scale of radiculopathy type decreased from 8 to 0 with 100% of improvement rate.No com-plication related to either intervertebral fixation and fusion or artificial intervertebral disc replacement occurred in this group,except 1 case with dizziness.Conclusion:Cervical spondylosis in youths under 30 years old mainly occurs in the people with office work,the major etiological factors are intervertebal disc degeneration and canal stenosis,a good outcome can be obtained by anterior discectomy with fusion or non-fusion and/or posterior laminoplasty.