The Promotion Club
Shuo Chen,Xinyu Fan,Zhitao Zhu
Abstract:How can principals in an organization incentivize efforts while maintaining personnel flexibility? We show that a "promotion club" solves a large part of the problem: Principal selects, from n agents, m top-performing agents into a club, and then promote one from within a club based fully on principal's idiosyncratic preference ("mindset"). Intuitively, m=1 indicates a tournament, and m=n, cronyism. We show that a proper (m>1) promotion club outperforms tournament in efforts when the homogenous agents are many. Under heterogeneous agents, it may still outperform tournament due to intra-crony competition. We use promotion data of Chinese governments at different levels to validate the model and test its predictions. Our theory and empirical evidence helps to explain how an organization with centralized personnel control manages to incentivize subordinates while maintaining high degrees of discretionary power at the top. JEL: P16 M50 D73 H11 1 Shuo Chen, Department of Economics, Fudan University, mail:; Xinyu Fan: Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, mail:; Zhitao Zhu: Department of Economics, Chise University of Hong Kong, mail: We thank Xi Weng, Zenan Wu, Zhuoran Lu, Zhiyong Yao, Kyle Woodward, Yang Xie, seminar participants in Peking University, Fudan University, Shantou University, Econometric Society Asian Meeting at Xiamen, for their useful comments and suggestions on previous drafts. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71303059) and Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (2017-01-07-00-07-E00002). All remaining errors are our own.