LD-pumped Acousto-optically Q-switched 532 Nm Laser with High Repetition Rate
FENG Li-chun,HUO Yu-jing,HE Shu-fang,YANG Cheng-wei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0258-7025.2005.04.006
Chinese Journal of Lasers
Abstract:A compact, all solid-state and high repeti ti on rate as up to 105 kHz acousto-optic (A-O) Q-switched intracavity frequ ency-doubled 532 nm laser is demonstrated. A Nd∶YVO 4 crystal is used a s active media and a type-Ⅱ KTP (KTiPO 4) as frequency doubler, The Q switcher is made by fused silica and driven by a driver whose maximal rf outpu t power is 7.5 W and repetition rate is variable from 1 Hz to 105 kHz, which is made by our own. 224 mW of 532 nm average power at a repetition rate of 50 kHz w as generated with a 1 W laser diode (LD) as pump source, and a high optical-to-o ptical conversion efficiency of 22.4% was obtained. Under low repetition rate, s teady operation is achieved with pulse width of 17.2 ns, peak power of 470 W and single pulse energy of 8.1 μJ. A general formula of average-power as a functi on of pulse repetition rate is presented which has good agreement with the exper iment results. Analysis and experimental verification showed that, even in four -level system, the effective storage time is not equal to the upper state lifet ime.