Scenario Evaluation of Domino Effects in Process Industries: A Review
Nishita Vishwakama,P. A. Arun,Abhishek Nandan,B. P. Yadav
Abstract:Accidents in construction sites are unplanned occurrences involving movement of persons, objects or materials which may result in injuries, damages and losses to properties or people. The majority of accidents happen as result of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions Accidents in construction sites are unplanned occurrences involving movement of persons, objects or materials which may result in injuries, damages and losses to properties or people. The majority of accidentshappen as result of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. Due to unsafe acts and unsafe conditions, accidents usually occur in very unplanned way which involves Behavioural and Environmental factors. Chemical industries consist several types of crucial accidents, which is caused by fire, explosives and loss of primary containment in uncontrolled manner, with their simultaneous impacts. It comprises many factors like poor safety management, human error, lack of supervision and many more. Their effects not only affect industrial sites but also many lives came under danger along with environment and economy. The chain of accidents also depends on the proximity of many manufacturing plants and chemical industries, their complex processes, storage of hazardous substance along with their transportation networks. Many reasons are available behind the multi-accident due to the operation of a single accident in which its root cause, intermediate cause, sub-cause and their definite combination may lead to accidents. As domino effect was the only reason for HPCL disaster, catastrophic explosions took place in 1997 due to excessive pressure in storage tanks. Human error and their destructive act, somewhere, even more responsible for the criticality of these factors that may often related to the exposure of new threats. Although many literatures flourishes in several studies on domino effects with the coverage of their significance, types, causes, management, damage control and prevention. It is important to expand their studies, and give more consideration to their new methods which are implementing to control it by various software. This review contains analysis of accidents with their existing control measures along with their new tools for controlling hazard with the help of various models (Khan and Abbasi 1999). In 1984, Bhopal faced a highly disastrous event in pesticide factory, leakage of highly toxic methyl isocyanate which claims 2500 lives, because of behavioural factors. In this paper, due to rise in accidents in process industries, it is important to elaborate the studies related to the disaster happened due to human actions and poor safety culture which also contributes in primary accidents as well as secondary damage, may lead to domino accident.