A Double-Node Star Network Coastal Ocean Observatory

Feng Zhang,Yanhu Chen,Dejun Li,Canjun Yang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4031/mtsj.49.1.7
Abstract::coastal cabled ocean oliserilatoN network =with two (observaflomriodes (fir phase) alcinga 1 $0.410ii elebtriCaltoptical. rrierin; cable, stipporting tensiof Ailic.padkigeS and up tahundredS of sensors, is under development irr,Qhina,which;is: also China's fipt atteropt*calsthicting a-ilongierm, large-scale oeeanObOrvatOrietwOrlciacri node C:onSist of one primary junction* (R) arid seVeral secondary:,, 413s:that,:proVide -Standardized' ports to secondary Ji35 or OenfifiC PackageS-, re= ipeCtrliely,theOugh Wet-Mate:able' corinectiOn4:' The poWerrsYtenf introduces bus tOpoitigy:torthetiPriniaiiiinde$ :and'etar;toodlogy3torall sribribd *woo the COrrri, municatiOn system r adopts two separated and no nrOeited sto topologies. In August -2013,,th6,-firgtprimaryjnocle,egiiipodVithlyvo scientificinstru merits deplOyestinlhe:i,! South China Sea 75 km 6ffsnore and at k20(to depth; The nodeT, however, failed in only Vh cl-ye to a dry-mate connector:nTreakdovin arid Stott catisedlry,SeavOter, which prevented the high-voltage converter frotn properly starting up'. Lessons learned frorrithifailtire'fandluttire PlanSIareilireserited herein. KeYWor# coastal cabled ocean observatory; star ne*tt oitcloOld-noda,:doilinitinicatioer. netWOrk!'
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