Confirmation of a charged charmoniumlike state Z(c)(3885)(-/+) in e(+)e(-) -g pi(+/-) (D(D)over-bar*)(-/+) with double D tag

m ablikim,m n achasov,x c ai,o albayrak,m albrecht,d ambrose,a amoroso,f f an,q an,j z bai,r baldini ferroli,y ban,d w bennett,j v bennett,m bertani,d bettoni,j m bian,f bianchi,e boger,i boyko,r a briere,hui cai,x cai,o cakir,a calcaterra,s j chen,x r chen,y b chen,h p cheng,x k chu,g cibinetto,h l dai,j p dai,a dbeyssi,d v dedovich,z y deng,a g denig,i denysenko,m destefanis,f de mori,yanbing ding,congcong dong,jixin dong,l y dong,m y dong,sean x du,p f duan,j z fan,jing fang,s s fang,xuexun fang,y fang,l fava,f feldbauer,g felici,c q feng,e fioravanti,m fritsch,c d fu,q gao,x l gao,y gao,z gao,i garzia,k goetzen,w x gong,w gradl,m greco,m h gu,y t gu,y h guan,a q guo,l b guo,r p guo,y p guo,z haddadi,a hafner,shuhua han,x q hao,f a harris,k l he,x q he,t held,y k heng,z l hou,c hu,h m hu,j f hu,t hu,y hu,garng m huang,j s huang,x t huang,yijun huang,t hussain,q p ji,x b ji,l w jiang,x s jiang,j b jiao,zhaoyang jiao,d p jin,s jin,tord johansson,a julin,n kalantarnayestanaki,x s kang,m kavatsyuk,b c ke,p kiese,r kliemt,b kloss,o b kolcu,b kopf,m kornicer,w kuehn,a kupsc,j s lange,m lara,p larin,c leng,cheng li,d m li,fang yi li,g li,h b li,j c li,k li,lei li,p r li,t li,w g li,x n li,z b li,h liang,j j liang,y f liang,g r liao,d x lin,b j liu,c x liu,dong liu,f h liu,h b liu,j b liu,k y liu,l d liu,p l liu,qingsong liu,s b liu,xiaohan liu,y b liu,z a liu,h loehner,x c lou,h j lu,j g lu,y p lu,c l luo,m x luo,ting luo,x l luo,x r lyu,f c ma,h l ma,l l ma,m m ma,q m ma,t ma,x y ma,f e maas,m maggiora,y j mao,z p mao,s marcello,j g messchendorp,j min,r e mitchell,x h mo,y j mo,c morales morales,k moriya,n yu muchnoi,h muramatsu,y nefedov,f nerling,i b nikolaev,z ning,s nisar,s l niu,x y niu,s l olsen,qi ouyang,s pacetti,y pan,p patteri,m pelizaeus,h p peng,k peters,joachim pettersson,j l ping,r g ping,r poling,v prasad,m qi,sijin qian,c f qiao,l q qin,n qin,x s qin,z h qin,j f qiu,k h rashid,c f redmer,m ripka,g rong,ch rosner,x d ruan,v santoro,a v sarantsev,m savrie,k schoenning,s schumann,w shan,minling shao,c p shen,p x shen,x y shen,h y sheng,m shi,w m song,x y song,s sosio,s spataro,g x sun,j f sun,s s sun,xiao hua sun,yu jie sun,z j sun,c j tang,xiaoou tang,i tapan,e h thorndike,m tiemens,m ullrich,i uman,g varner,biao wang,d y wang,kai wang,l s wang,m wang,p l wang,s g wang,wei ping wang,x f wang,y d wang,z g wang,t weber,d h wei,j b wei,p weidenkaff,s p wen,u wiedner,m wolke,l h wu,z wu,l g xia,yufeng xia,d xiao,h xiao,zhi jian xiao,y g xie,q l xiu,g f xu,j j xu,lailin xu,q j xu,x p xu,li yan,w b yan,y h yan,h x yang,lin yang,y x yang,m h ye,j h yin,b x yu,c x yu,j s yu,c z yuan,w l yuan,yuan yuan,a yuncu,a a zafar,a zallo,y zeng,zhong zeng,b x zhang,c c zhang,d h zhang,han han zhang,j z zhang,kexiong zhang,lei zhang,x y zhang,y h zhang,z y zhang,g zhao,j z zhao,ling zhao,m g zhao,q w zhao,s j zhao,t c zhao,y b zhao,z g zhao,a zhemchugov,bojian zheng,j p zheng,w j zheng,y h zheng,biao zhong,lei zhou,x r zhou,k j zhu,s h zhu,x l zhu,y s zhu,z a zhu,j zhuang,l zotti,b s zou,j h zou
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:We present a study of the process e(+)e(-) -> pi(+/-) (D (D) over bar*)(-/+) using data samples of 1092 pb(-1) at root s = 4.23 GeV and 826 pb(-1) at root s = 4.26 GeV collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII storage ring. With full reconstruction of the D meson pair and the bachelor pi(+) in the final state, we confirm the existence of the charged structure Z(c) (3885)(-/+) in the (D (D) over bar*)(-/+) system in the two isospin processes e(+)e(-) -> pi(+DD)-D-0*(-) and e(+)e(-) -> pi+D-D*(0). By performing a simultaneous fit, the statistical significance of Zc(3885)(-/+) signal is determined to be greater than 10 sigma, and its pole mass and width are measured to be M-pole = (3881.7 +/- 1.6(stat) +/- 1.6(syst)) MeV/c(2) and Gamma(pole) = (26.6 +/- 2.0(stat) +/- 2.1(syst)) MeV, respectively. The Born cross section times the (D (D) over bar*)(-/+) branching fraction (sigma(e(+)e(-) -> pi(+/-)Z(c)(3885)(-/+)) x Br(Z(c)(3885)(-/+) -> (D (D) over bar*)(-/+) )) is measured to be (141.6 +/- 7.9(stat) +/- 12.3(syst)) pb at root s = 4.23 GeV and (108.4 +/- 6.9(stat) +/- 8.8(syst)) pb at root s = 4.26 GeV. The polar angular distribution of the pi(+) - Z(c)(3885)(-/+) system is consistent with the expectation of a quantum number assignment of J(P) = 1(+) for Z(c)(3885)(-/+).
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