Amplitude analysis of the pi(0)pi(0) system produced in radiative J/psi decays

m ablikim,m n achasov,x c ai,o albayrak,m albrecht,d ambrose,a amoroso,f f an,qi an,j z bai,r baldini ferroli,y ban,d w bennett,j v bennett,m bertani,d bettoni,j m bian,f bianchi,e boger,o bondarenko,i boyko,r a briere,hui cai,xuepeng cai,o cakir,a calcaterra,g f cao,s a cetin,j f chang,g a chelkov,g chen,h y chen,j c chen,m l chen,s j chen,x r chen,y b chen,h p cheng,x k chu,g cibinetto,d croninhennessy,h l dai,j p dai,a dbeyssi,d v dedovich,z y deng,a g denig,i denysenko,m destefanis,f de mori,yun ding,chenghong dong,jing dong,l y dong,m y dong,s x du,p f duan,e e eren,j z fan,jianguo fang,s s fang,x fang,y fang,l fava,f feldbauer,g felici,c q feng,e fioravanti,m fritsch,c d fu,q gao,x y gao,yanli gao,zehua gao,i garzia,c geng,k goetzen,w x gong,w gradl,m greco,m h gu,y t gu,y h guan,a q guo,l b guo,y p guo,z haddadi,a hafner,shoufa han,y l han,x q hao,f a harris,k l he,z y he,t held,y k heng,z l hou,c hu,h m hu,j f hu,t hu,yang hu,g m huang,h p huang,j s huang,x t huang,yenhua huang,t hussain,q p ji,x b ji,l w jiang,x y jiang,j b jiao,zheng jiao,d p jin,s jin,tord johansson,a julin,n kalantarnayestanaki,x s kang,m kavatsyuk,b c ke,p kiese,r kliemt,b kloss,o b kolcu,b kopf,m kornicer,w kuehn,andrezej kupsc,j s lange,m lara,p larin,c leng,c h li,d m li,f li,guiqiu li,h b li,j c li,keqiu li,lei li,p r li,t li,w g li,x q li,z b li,h liang,y f liang,g r liao,d x lin,b j liu,c x liu,f h liu,h h liu,j y liu,k y liu,l d liu,p l liu,qin liu,s b liu,x x liu,y b liu,z a liu,h loehner,x c lou,h j lu,j g lu,r q lu,y p lu,c l luo,m x luo,ting luo,x l luo,m lv,x r lyu,f c ma,h l ma,l l ma,q m ma,t ma,x y ma,f e maas,m maggiora,q a malik,y j mao,z p mao,s marcello,j g messchendorp,j min,t j min,r e mitchell,x h mo,y j mo,c morales morales,k moriya,n yu muchnoi,h muramatsu,y nefedov,f nerling,i b nikolaev,z ning,s nisar,s l niu,x y niu,s l olsen,qun ouyang,s pacetti,p patteri,m pelizaeus,h p peng,k peters,joachim pettersson,j l ping,r g ping,r poling,v prasad,y n pu,ming qi,sijin qian,c f qiao,l q qin,n qin,x s qin,y qin,z h qin,j f qiu,k h rashid,c f redmer,h l ren,m ripka,g rong,ch rosner,x d ruan,v santoro,a v sarantsev,m savrie,karin schonning,s schumann,wenpo shan,min shao,c p shen,p x shen,x y shen,h y sheng,m r shepherd,w m song,x y song,s sosio,s spataro,g x sun,j f sun,s s sun,y z sun,z t sun,c j tang,x tang,i tapan,e h thorndike,m tiemens,d toth,m ullrich,i uman,g varner,b l wang,d y wang,kai wang,l l wang,minzu wang,p l wang,s g wang,weiling wang,x f wang,y f wang,z g wang,t weber,d h wei,j b wei,p weidenkaff,s p wen,u wiedner,m wolke,l h wu,z wu,l g xia,youshen xia,d xiao,z j xiao,y g xie,q l xiu,g f xu,lailin xu,q j xu,x p xu,l yan,w c yan,y h yan,h x yang,liuqing yang,y x yang,hong ye,m h ye,j h yin,b x yu,c x yu,h w yu,j s yu,c z yuan,w l yuan,y yuan,a yuncu,a a zafar,a zallo,yongyi zeng,b y zhang,c c zhang,d h zhang,h y zhang,j q zhang,keye zhang,l zhang,s h zhang,x y zhang,y n zhang,z h zhang,g zhao,jing ying zhao,ling zhao,m g zhao,q w zhao,s j zhao,t c zhao,y b zhao,z g zhao,a zhemchugov,bojian zheng,j p zheng,w j zheng,y h zheng,b zhong,lijun zhou,x y zhou,k j zhu,shu zhu,x l zhu,yong chang zhu,z a zhu,j zhuang,linda a zotti,b s zou,j h zou,adam p szczepaniak,pi guo
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:An amplitude analysis of the pi(0)pi(0) system produced in radiative J/psi decays is presented. In particular, a piecewise function that describes the dynamics of the pi(0)pi(0) system is determined as a function of M pi(0)pi(0) from an analysis of the (1.311 +/- 0.011) x 10(9) J/psi decays collected by the BESIII detector. The goal of this analysis is to provide a description of the scalar and tensor components of the pi(0)pi(0) system while making minimal assumptions about the properties or number of poles in the amplitude. Such a model-independent description allows one to integrate these results with other related results from complementary reactions in the development of phenomenological models, which can then be used to directly fit experimental data to obtain parameters of interest. The branching fraction of J/psi -> pi(0)pi(0) is determined to be (1.15 +/- 0.05) x 10(-3), where the uncertainty is systematic only and the statistical uncertainty is negligible.
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