P-V Equation of State of (Fe0.03ni0.97)8(si0.79p0.21)3

Abstract:Perryite (Fe0.03Ni0.97)8(Si0.79P0.21)3 sample was synthesized using the standard solid-state reaction. The X-ray diffraction results show that its space group is R3'c with the lattice parameters (a=b=0.663 8(1) nm, c=3.789 2(2) nm, V=1.446 15(6) nm3). In situ high-pressure X-ray diffraction experiments were carried out up to 21.3 GPa at room temperature. No phase transition was observed in the present pressure range. The unit-cell volumes show a smooth decrease with increasing pressure. The variation of the unit-cell volume with pressure was analyzed by Birch-Murnaghan equations of state. Results of the B-M equations of state yield a unit-cell volume (V0) of 1.441 4 (24) nm3 at zero GPa, an isothermal bulk modulus (K0) of 220(7) GPa. Axial compressibility was fitted linearly by Murnaghan equations of state. We obtained Ka=257(9), Kc=165(4). The c axis was more compressible than the a axis.
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