Trade Liberalization and Chinese Firms’ Employment Scale
Chunkai Zhao,Songchu Liu
Abstract:This paper examines the effect of trade liberalization on firms’ employment scale on the basis of the sample of Chinese industrial firms. The results show that trade liberalization enlarges the firms’ employment scale. The paper also finds that the effect of trade liberalization differs according to the industry, region and firm's ownership. Specifically speaking, trade liberalization enlarges the employment scale of the firms located in the eastern and middle area but reduces the employment scale of the firms located in the western area; although trade liberalization has significant positive effect on firms in industries with different resource intensity, it has the highest effect on the labor intensive industry; trade liberalization enlarges the employment scale of the collective and foreign firms but reduces the employment scale of the government owned firms. Introduction Trade liberalization has become the important incentive to the economic growth, many scholars have proved that trade liberalization improves the economy efficiency through resources reallocation. However, does trade liberation play positive role concerning employment? Trade liberalization provides conveniences to inputs imports and takes replace effects on labor forces, while takes scale effects through intensifying competition faced by the final goods, this effect can increase the demand for the labor forces. Therefore, the effect of trade liberalization on employment is uncertain. China has enforced trade system reforms focusing on tariff and non-tariff reduction, especially after entering into the WTO, China propels trade liberalization reform in accordance with the WTO rules and commitments to WTO, in 2015, China’s average tariff reduced to 9.8%, at the same time, non tariff barriers are also reduced, many export duties including agricultural tariff has been reduced. Trade liberalization accelerates the economic prospects, total import and export volume amount to USD3958.6 billion in 2015 and occupy the 10.5% of the world trade volume(The data are calculated by the author using the data from WTO.). However, trade development of China does not relieve its employment pressure, the data from the China Statistic Bureau indicate that China’s unemployment has not obvious declining tendency. As the largest labor-intensive developing nation, how dose China’s trade liberation impact its employment? The exiting studies mainly analyzed it from the industry level. With the foundation of the Melitz Model, firm has become the focus of the international trade. Comparing with the studies on the effect of trade liberalization on firm’s productivity and wage, the study on the effect of trade liberalization on employment is scarce. This paper studies the effect of China’s trade liberalization on its employment under the framework of firm heterogeneity. Specifically speaking, the paper takes the China’s entering into the WTO in 2001 as the cutoff point (After China’s entering into the WTO in 2001, China has accelerated trade liberalization, the paper takes the year 2001 as the cutoff point and compares the change of the firm’s employment scale can reflect the effect of trade liberalization on employment.),dividing the Chinese industrial data 1999-2007 into two periods:1999-2001 and 2002-2007 and analyzes the effect of trade liberalization on employment through comparing the change of the firm’s employment scale of this two periods. In addition, the paper also analyzes whether the effect of trade liberalization on employment differs with the firm’s location, industry and ownership. 867 Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 4th Annual International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Development (ICMESD 2018) Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research (AEBMR), volume 60