Performance evaluation of on-chip wavelength conversion based on InP/In$_{1-x}$Ga$_x$As$_y$P$_{1-y}$ semiconductor waveguide platforms
Jin Wen,Kang Li,Yongkang Gong,Ben Hughes,Michael A. Campbell,Mattia Lazzaini,Lina Duan,Chengju Ma,Wei Fan,Zhenan Jia,Haiwei Fu,Nigel Copner
Abstract:We propose and design the high confinement InP/In1-xGaxAsyP1-y semiconductor waveguides and report the results of effective wavelength conversion based on this platform. Efficient confinement and mode field area fluctuation at different wavelength is analyzed to achieve the high nonlinear coefficient. The numerical results show that nearly zero phase-mismatch condition can be satisfied through dispersion tailoring of InP/In1-xGaxAsyP1-y waveguides, and the wavelength conversion ranging over 40 nm with the maximum conversion efficiency -26.3 dB is achieved for fixing pump power 100 mW. Meanwhile, the influences of the doping parameter y and pumping wavelength on the bandwidth and conversion efficiency are also discussed and optimized. It is indicated the excellent optical properties of the InP/In1-xGaxAsyP1-y waveguides and pave the way towards direct integration telecom band devices on stand semiconductor platforms.