Elasto-plastic time history analyses of STARCO overhaul hangar
Pan Peng,Qian Jiaru,Zhou Yibin,Shen Shungao,Zhao Boyou,Zhu Dan
Abstract:To investigate the safety of the Pudong Maintenance Hangar,elasto-plastic time history analyses were conducted.Elastic time history analyses were used to investigate the behavior of the structure subjected to small earthquakes,while elasto-plastic time history analyses were used for large earthquakes.Elastic time history analysis used SAP2000 and ABAQUS programs,and the results obtained form the two programs were compared.ABAQUS in which user material were embedded through the user subroutines,were used for elasto-plastic analyses.Major conclusions obtained from this study are as follows:(1) the results of elastic analysis obtained from SAP2000 and ABAQUS are very similar.(2) Under the small earthquakes,all members of the structure are elastic,and the maximum story drift angle satisfies the requirement given in the design code.(3) Under the large earthquakes,the maximum story drift angle is much smaller than allowable value given in the design code;some concrete columns get yield at the bottom or middle locations;most members of the space grid roof keep in elastic with the stress ratio no higher than 0.87,and only few,which locate at the joint with the concrete columns,get yield;some braces sustain relatively serious plastic under the large earthquakes.