Physical Characteristics of Zhejiang Han
Yong-lan LI,Shun-hua LU,Lian-bin ZHENG,Yu-ke ZHANG,Chuan-gang LI,Man ZHAO,Tian-shu LUAN
Abstract:Objective: To study the physical characteristics of Zhejiang Han, and analyze the systematic status of Zhejiang Han in Mongoloid types. Method: Using the method specified in the international academic community, the study investigated 86 physique targets for adults including 330 males in Zhejiang province (144 urban and 186 rural males) and 357 females (153 urban and 204 rural females), calculated 24 physique indices, counted index types, compared data with Chinese ethnic groups, and preliminarily analyzed the physique characteristics of Zhejiang Han. Results: The Zhejiang Han (male and female) had a low percentage of eyefold of the upper eyelid, and a low percentage of Mongoloid fold. Most of the opening height of eyeslits were narrow, external angle was higher than internal angle, most of the nasal root height were middle size, straight nasal profile, most of zygomatic projection were tiny in male while middle in female, the nasal base was level, mostly oblique maximal diameter of nostrils, height of alae nasi was middle and wide breadth of alae nasi; round Lobe types, low size upper lip skin height, higher rate of middle size thickness of lips in male and highest rate of middle size thickness of lips and thin the second in female, black hair color, yellow skin color, brown eye color. Overall, the anthropometry indicators of head and face of Zhejiang Han were close to North Asia ethnic groups. The indices of head and face ranged between North Asia ethnic groups and South Asia ethnic groups. The anthropometry indicators of body were close to North Asia ethnic groups. Indices of body were not only close to North Asia ethnic group, but also to South Asia ethnic groups. Judged from the indices' mean, both male and female of Zhejiang Han were brachycephaly, hypsicephalic type, metriocephalic type, euryprosopy and mesorrhiny. Judged from the indices of body, both male and female of Zhejiang Han were long trunk, narrow shoulder breadth, medium distance between iliac crests. Male was medium chest circumference, female was narrow chest circumference. Urban and rural male and urban female were mesatiskelic type, while rural female was subbrachyskelic type. Conclusion: The physique of Zhejiang Han is close to North Asia ethnic group. The results of cluster analysis show that the 9 Han ethnic groups fail to cluster together. The clan source of Han ethnic groups is diversity, which leads to large differences in physique among different areas. It may not be appropriate to classify the whole Han ethnic groups loosely as a physical type.