Planning methods and effect analysis of advance right-turn
Qu Zhao-wei,Jin Yong,Chen Yong-heng,Wang Dian-hai,Wei Wei
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Abstract:Calculating models of passing capacity for fixed and variable weaving area lengths on advance right-turn were given by using gap acceptance theory and probability theory,and calculating models of increasing capacity by prolonging weaving areas were obtained,the application conditions of planning methods on advance right-turn were put forward,the running effects of motor vehicles were compared with the index of vehicle average delay in the weaving areas,and the capacities of left-turn and straight vehicles were analyzed by using Webster signalized timing methods at advance right-turn intersection.Analysis result shows that the capacities of straight and left-turn vehicles at intersection increase when advance right-turn planning method is adopted;when advance right-turn vehicles satisfy passing capacity,traffic conflict area can be decreased by using advance right-turn planning method,otherwise,prolonging weaving areas can be used to add passing capacity and decrease the average delays of right-turn motor vehicles.4 figs,12 refs.