An Ultra-high-speed Fully-parallel Fast Fourier Transform Design
Jienan CHEN,Chao FEI,Jiansheng YUAN,Weiqi ZENG,Hao LU,Jianhao HU
Abstract:The design and implementation of ultra-high-speed FFT processor is imperative in radar system and prospective wireless communication system. In this paper, the fully-parallel-architecture FFT with bit-serial arithmetic is proposed. This method avoids the complexity of data addressing, access and routing. Based on the high-radix factorization, the multiplication number can be reduced. Out of the reason that twiddle factors are fixed in the design, constant coefficient optimization can be used in multiplications. Besides, bit-serial arithmetic cuts down the hardware cost, and makes the computation elements full-load to get a 100% efficiency. As a result, the presented 512-point FFT processer has 5.97 times gain in speed-throughput ratio while its hardware only accounts for 30% LUTs and 9%registers resource based on Xilinx V7-980t FPGA.