Saturation or Damage Mechanism of a Space Target Stared by a Pulse Laser on the Ground

L Yan,J Chen,WF Bai
Abstract:The research, on the damage mechanism to the high-space target by the ground laser, aims to determine the saturation or damage threshold of optic-electro sensors on the target. The laser beam to the target is relationship with the following features: The speediness of the energy accumulation and the laser tracking stability in long distance. The speediness needs high peak-power in the shortest time, while the stability needs high speed-precision ability to the servo system on earth. Obviously, the pulse laser is more effective than the continuous laser when considering the speediness. Here for the 10.6 ? m CO2 laser, the interfering effects are dealt with to the target in 500km space. Provided that the turbulent air does not influence the laser beam, the power of periodic rectangle-pulse laser arriving on the space object is evaluated first. Then the laser staring time on the object is calculated. Third, the laser energy accumulation on the space object is analyzed, and last the saturation or damage threshold ofthe object is determined.
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