Synthesis of 2,3,5,6 - Bis(9,10 - Anthracyl) Benzoquinone with Microwave- Assisted and Fluorescent Characteristic of It
Ying ZHAO,Dong-dong YU,Yan LIU,Li JIN,Ying-li YANG,Hong-liang FAN,Xiao-li ZHAO,Jian-guang ZHOU,Qin-han JIN
Abstract:It introduced the synthesis of 2,3,5,6-bis(9,10-anthracyl) benzoquinone with microwave-assisted,which was analyzed and characterized by ~1 H-NMR and fluorescent spectrum.The fluorescent spectrum prove that it have fluorescence intensity.And when add some TNT,the fluorescence decreases.The experimental result indicates that it is simpler,quicker,higher yield for the synthesis of 2,3,5,6-bis(9,10-anthracyl)benzoquinone by using microwave assistance heat up.Besides,it have fluorescence intensity.And when add some TNT,the fluorescence decreases.