Modern instrumentation and practical application of flame atomic emission spectrometry
E. A. Zauer
Chimica Techno Acta
Abstract:The modern instrumentation for flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES) is overviewed: the main technical (composition of the fuel gas used, dispersing element, number of analytical channels, reference channel, detecting element, sampling method) and analytical (determined elements, range of determined concentrations, limits and the accuracy of their determination, the duration of a single measurement, the equired amount of the analyzed sample) characteristics of flame photometers for industrial and clinical use as well as spectrophotometers currently made by various manufacturers such as Sherwood Scientific Ltd., BWB Technologies UK Ltd., Labtron Equipment Ltd., Labnics Equipment Ltd. and JENWAY Ltd (UK); A.KRÜSS Optronic (Germany); Cole Parmer Instrument Company and Labfon Equipment Inc. (USA); Inesa Analytical Instrument Co., Ltd (China); OJSC Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant, Unico-SIS LLC and VMK-Optoelectronics LLC (Russia); Manti Lab Solutions, Labtronics, Systonic, Globe Instruments, Electronics India, Lasany (India). The main areas of application of FAES are presented – bioenergy, agriculture (analysis of plants, soil extracts and fertilizers), mineral raw materials (geology), clinical medicine and pharmaceuticals, food industry, environmental control (analysis of drinking, technical and waste water), nuclear energy, metallurgy and chemical industry, as well as some features and problems associated with the preparation of samples for analysis by the FAES method. The review includes references to works on the practical application of FAES, published mainly from 1998 to 2023.