Quantized Landau-level crossing checkerboard in large-angle twisted graphene
Baojuan Dong,Kai Zhao,Kenji Watanabe,Takashi Taniguchi,Jianming Lu,Jianting Zhao,Fengcheng Wu,Jing Zhang,Zheng Han
Abstract:When charge transport occurs under conditions like topological protection or ballistic motion, the conductance of low-dimensional systems often exhibits quantized values in units of $e^{2}/h$, where $e$ and $h$ are the elementary charge and Planck's constant. Such quantization has been pivotal in quantum metrology and computing. Here, we demonstrate a novel quantized quantity: the ratio of the displacement field to the magnetic field, $D/B$, in large-twist-angle bilayer graphene. In the high magnetic field limit, Landau level crossings between the top and bottom layers manifest equal-sized checkerboard patterns throughout the $D/B$-$\nu$ space. It stems from a peculiar electric-field-driven interlayer charge transfer at one elementary charge per flux quantum, leading to quantized intervals of critical displacement fields, (i.e., $\delta D$ = $\frac{e}{2\pi l_{B}^{2}}$, where $l_B$ is the magnetic length). Our findings suggest that interlayer charge transfer in the quantum Hall regime can yield intriguing physical phenomena, which has been overlooked in the past.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics