The Influences of Elements of a Top Management Team on Corporate Entrepreneurship:An Empirical Study of Private Small-and-Medium Size High-tech Firms in Yangzi River Delta
Jiang Chunyan
Abstract:Corporate entrepreneurship has more and more been regarded as an important contributor to firm survival and performance in today’s uncertain environment.A growing body of literature is evolving to examine the factors that facilitate corporate entrepreneurship.Few studies are found which analyze corporate entrepreneurship from the top management team perspective.Not to mention such kind of research in transition economies.Drawing upon Hambrick’s(1994) framework,this article makes use of a sam-ple of 220 private Small-and-Medium Size High-tech firms from seven national technology development zones in Yangzi River Delta and investigates whether and how the elements of a top management team,namely CEO(transformational leadership style),composition(TMT risk taking propensity),process(TMT behavioral integra-tion),incentive(TMT long-term compensation),and structure(TMT decentralization of responsibilities),impact on corporate entrepre-neurship.The results show that all five elements of the top manage-ment team play critical roles on facilitating corporate entrepreneur-ship and TMT long-term compensation interacts with risk-taking propensity and behavioral integration on corporate entrepreneur-ship.By examining the influences of TMTs that are related to cor-porate entrepreneurship,theoretically,this study aims to enrich on both corporate entrepreneurship and upper-echelons theory.On the one hand,by examining corporate entrepreneurship from the TMT perspective rather than the more common perspectives of environ-ment and individual,this study enriches the corporate entrepreneur-ship literature;on the other hand,this study extends the literature on upper-echelons theory by developing a more systematic model of the TMT elements included in Hambrick’s(1994) framework,which have been discussed separately in extant literature.Further,unlike many current upper-echelons studies which rely on demographic information,this study directly measured TMT’s perceptions and behaviors through a multiple-respondent survey.Finally,this study tests the relationships in the context of China,which extends the generalization of both corporate entrepreneurship and upper-echelons theory literature to transition economies.Practically,this study has some insights for managers,especially those in private small-and-medium size high-tech firms.Given the dynamic busi-ness environment in China as the result of economic and enterprise reforms,the private small-and-medium size high-tech firms must pursue corporate entrepreneurship with the TMTs characterized by CEO transformational leadership style,risk taking propensity,be-havioral integration,long-term compensation,and decentralization of responsibilities.