Advances and Frontiers in Research of Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Zhi-Xue ZHANG,Junqi SHI,Jun LIU
Abstract:This paper first describes the characteristics of organizational behavior and leadership research, and delineates the status quo of Chinese and international research. We can see that Chinese scholars have made fast progress in this field in the past decade and have tremendous potentials. Second, after comparing Chinese and oversea researchers in studied topics and methods, we point out the shortcomings of the current Chinese research. The third section of the paper presents the innovations of the organizational behavior and leadership research in theory, method and paradigm. Scholars are encouraged to focus on the phenomena relevant to Chinese economic and social development, to identify the research questions that are relevant to this field, and to conduct research in rigorous and creative ways. To achieve this goal, Chinese scholars need to learn from the existing theories and methods, and choose appropriate perspectives to examine the identified questions. In order to inspire Chinese scholars to investigate the important phenomena in the Chinese context, and therefore to contribute to the international academy, the third section also introduces several recent studies with high impacts. The paper concludes with the future research directions in the field of organizational behavior and leadership.