The Contemporary Significance of Study on Hegel's Philosophy of Right
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,T. M. Knox
Abstract:In recent years, Hegel's philosophy of right has been a hot issue in international academic circles due to the publication of new materials such as the draft of the lectures of philosophy of right and the rising of liberalism-oriented interpretation of philosophy of right after the Second World War. With the emergence of the prototype of the object of philosophy of right, modern civil society, in the reality of our country, has become an urgent theoretical task for Chinese academia to change the negative evaluation of Hegel in the past and promote his philosophy of right to play a positive role in this crucial period of history. From this point of view, the three essential points of Hegel's philosophy of right, namely, the critique of subjectivity, the state theory which gives priority to the substance, and the concept of civil society which is aimed at cultivating modern individuals, are irreplaceable to the modernization of China.