K. Zhu,Weiping Dou,Matthew Easton,Pingping Gan,Shu Gao,Yuan He,Haipeng Li,Shuo Liu,Yuanrong Lu,Qiuyun Tan,Tao Li,Chao Wang,Zhi Wang,Qi Wu,Hongwei Zhao
Abstract:A deuteron CW RFQ was designed and fabricated in Peking University. It will accelerate 50 mA CW deuteron beam from 50 keV to 1M eV at 162.5 MHz. The novel structure of four-vane with magnetic coupling windows was used to separate the dipole mode from the accelerating mode. The field tuning of this RFQ was different from conventional four vane RFQ because that the four quadrants of the RFQ cavity were coupled. The beam dynamics of the RFQ was designed by equipartition and matching method, limiting current effect was considered at the same time. The voltage between electrodes is 60 kV, the transmission efficiency of RFQ is 98%. For the copper cavity, the measured Q0 of the operating mode is 96% of the simulated value. Only 47 hours was spent to increase CW power of cavity from 0 to 55 kW in high power test and The RFQ can operate stable at the design voltage. The preliminary H2 beam experiment has been done and 1.78 mA CW beam was obtained at exit of RFQ. This paper will introduce the design and experiment of the RFQ. INTRODUCTION High current CW RFQ accelerators are very useful in fusion material study, nuclear waste transmutation, high intensity neutron source, boron neutron capture therapy, etc. Many international laboratory are developing the technology of high current CW RFQ. A CW RFQ for accelerating heavy ion was built for FRIB project [1]; deuteron CW RFQ accelerators were built for SARAF and IFMIF/EVEDA project [2, 3]; a proton CW RFQ accelerators was constructed for CADS project [4]. The important problem of CW RFQ is deformation caused by high power consumption and discharge of the cavity, which can easily lead to unstable operation. In order to accumulate experience and technology in design, fabrication and operation of high current CW RFQs, a deuteron CW RFQ has been designed and fabricated in Peking University which is supported by the 973 program funding. New structure, four-vane with coupling magnetic windows, is used for the RFQ. This structure was used for RFQ of heavy ions in America and Russia [5, 6]. Our RFQ is the first high frequency window-type RFQ. BEAM DYNAMICS DESIGN In the beam dynamics design, we controlled the limiting current from the gentle bunching section to the end of the acceleration section, and adopted a matched and equipartitioned design method to reduce the radius of the transverse envelope, suppress the increase of the emittance, and reduce the beam loss at high-energy section. The detail of the beam dynamics design can be found in our previous publication [7]. Figure 1 shows the main parameters changing with RFQ cells after optimization. Table 1 lists our final RFQ design parameters. Figure 1: RFQ design parameters after optimization. Table 1: Design Parameters of the RFQ COLD MODEL MEASUREMENT The window-type RFQ RF structure design and the fabrication process can be found in Ref. [7]. In the beginning of 2018, we have completed the cavity fabrication and made low power RF test on the copper cavity. The measured RF characteristics of the RFQ cavity and the simulated ones are listed in Table 2. The operating frequency of the RFQ without tuning is 0.233 MHz below the simulated value. The measured Q0 of the operating mode is 96% of the simulated value. Parameter Value Current [mA] 50 Input energy [keV] 50 Output energy [MeV] 1.03 Inter-vane Voltage [kV] 60 Synchronous phase [Deg.] -90 ~ -34 Kilpatrick coefficient 1.67 Modulation 1 ~ 1.86 Minimum aperture [mm] 2.63 Average aperture [mm] 3.88 Vane length [m] 1.81 Transmission [%] 98.2 ___________________________________________ * Work supported by NSFC, Grand No. 2014CB845503 † 10th Int. Partile Accelerator Conf. IPAC2019, Melbourne, Australia JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-208-0 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPTS075 MC4: Hadron Accelerators A08 Linear Accelerators MOPTS075 1021 Co nt en tf ro m th is w or k m ay be us ed un de rt he te rm so ft he CC BY 3. 0 lic en ce (© 20 19 ). A ny di str ib ut io n of th is w or k m us tm ai nt ai n at tri bu tio n to th e au th or (s ), tit le of th e w or k, pu bl ish er ,a nd D O I